NATIXIS - Universal registration document and financial report 2019

Interview with the Chief Executive Officer4
Key figures 20198
Strategic plan10
A governance structure supporting Natixis strategy12
Committed to sustainable finance14
Compensation policy16
1.1 History and links with BPCE18
1.1.1 History18
1.1.2 Financial solidarity mechanism with BPCE19
1.2 Natixis’ businesses20
1.2.1 Asset & Wealth Management20
1.2.2 Corporate & Investment Banking22
1.2.3 Insurance29
1.2.4 Payments31
1.2.5 Corporate center32
1.3 2020 investor relations calendar33
1.4 Contacts33
2.1 Natixis Governance at March 1, 202036
2.2 Additional information on the corporate officers37
2.3 Management and oversight of corporate governance59
2.3.1 Board of Directors60
2.3.2 Special Committees: offshoots of the Board of Directors70
2.3.3 Senior management77
2.4 Policies and rules established for determining compensation and benefits of any kind for corporate officers79
2.4.1 Compensation policy for corporate officers79
2.4.2 Compensation and benefits of any kind for the Chairman of the Board of Directors and the Chief Executive Officer for 201984
3.1 Risk factors103
Credit and counterparty risk103
Financial risks104
Non-financial risks105
Strategic and business risks106
Risks related to Insurance activities109
Risk related to holding Natixis securities109
3.2 Risk management110
3.2.1 Organization of Natixis’ internal control system110
3.2.2 Risk governance and management system113
3.2.3 Credit and counterparty risks117
3.2.4 Securitization transactions129
3.2.5 Market risk129
3.2.6 Operational risks136
3.2.7 Balance sheet management141
3.2.8 Compliance risk148
3.2.9 Legal risks153
3.2.10 Other risks155
3.3 Basel 3 Pillar III disclosures159
3.3.1 Capital management and capital adequacy159
3.3.2 Other regulatory ratios171
3.3.3 Breakdown and changes in risk-weighted assets174
3.3.4 Encumbered and unencumbered assets204
3.3.5 Liquidity requirement coverage ratio205
3.3.6 Compensation policy207
3.3.7 Cross-reference table208
3.3.8 Table index210
4.1 Significant events of 2019214
4.1.1 Macroeconomic context214
4.1.2 Key events for Natixis’ business lines215
4.2 Management report at December 31, 2019218
4.2.1 Consolidated results218
4.2.2 Analysis by Natixis main business line219
4.3 Main investments and divestments performed over the period227
4.4 Post-closing events228
4.5 Information concerning Natixis S.A.228
4.5.1 Natixis S.A.’s parent company income statement228
4.5.2 Proposed allocation of earnings229
4.5.3 Payment terms229
4.6 Outlook for Natixis230
4.7 Definitions and alternative performance indicators231
5.1 Consolidated financial statements and notes235
5.2 Statutory Auditors’ report on the consolidated financial statements386
5.3 Parent company financial statements and notes394
5.4 Statutory Auditors’ report on the parent company financial statements428
5.5 Internal control procedures relating to accounting and financial information433
5.5.1 Preparation and processing of accounting and financial information433
5.5.2 Permanent control system relating to accounting and financial information434
6.1 Strategic outlines and organization of the ESR policy438
6.1.1 Natixis’ business model438
6.1.2 Strategic pillars of ESR440
6.1.3 ESR governance442
6.1.4 ESR commitments443
6.1.5 Communications with stakeholders445
6.1.6 Recognized ESR performance446
6.2 Employee conduct and business ethics447
6.2.1 The Natixis Code of Conduct447
6.2.2 Client protection, financial security and data security448
6.2.3 Responsible Lobbying448
6.2.4 Combating tax avoidance448
6.2.5 Whistleblowing system449
6.3 Business line contributions to green and sustainable growth450
6.3.1 Sustainable growth: financing the transformation in society450
6.3.2. Green growth: financing the energy transition and combating climate change458
6.3.3 Green growth: protecting and developing natural capital465
6.4 Managing environmental, social and governance risks469
6.4.1 Incorporating ESG criteria in financing operations and investments469
6.4.2 Duty of vigilance472
6.4.3 Climate risks474
6.5 Managing our direct environmental impact476
6.5.1 Sustainable real estate476
6.5.2 Management of resources476
6.5.3 Carbon footprint management478
6.5.4 Waste reduction and sorting479
6.5.5 Promoting sustainable mobility480
6.5.6 Digital sustainability481
6.5.7 Developing green spaces482
6.6 Employee engagement483
6.6.1 Human resources policy and diversity management483
6.6.2 Commitments to solidarity-related projects495
6.7 Table of reporting on Natixis’ main commitments497
6.8 Reporting frameworks and methodology498
6.9 Report by one of the Statutory Auditors on the Consolidated Non-Financial Performance Report contained in the management report501
7.1 General information on Natixis’ capital504
7.1.1 Share capital504
7.1.2 Changes in Natixis’ capital over the last five fiscal years504
7.1.3 Form and transfer of shares (Chapter II, Article 4 of the bylaws)505
7.1.4 Securities not conferring rights to the share capital505
7.1.5 Other securities giving access to capital505
7.1.6 Other information on the capital505
7.2 Distribution of share capital and voting rights506
7.2.1 Distribution of share capital at December 31, 2019506
7.2.2 Distribution of share capital at February 29, 2020507
7.2.3 Changes in the shareholder base over the past three years507
7.2.4 Natural or legal persons exercising or potentially exercising control over Natixis507
7.3 Authorizations to increase share capital508
7.3.1 Summary table of current authorizations granted to the Board of Directors by the General Shareholders’ Meeting and their use by the Board of Directors508
7.3.2 Report of the Board of Directors on the use of capital increase authorizations509
7.4 Information from Article L.225-37-5 of the French Commercial Code510
7.5 Key share data at December 31, 2019510
7.6 Share price information511
7.7 Shareholder scorecard512
7.8 Natixis and its individual shareholders512
7.9 Investor relations514
8.1 Terms and conditions of attendance by shareholders at Shareholders’ Meetings516
8.1.1 Convening notices516
8.1.2 Different types of meetings516
8.1.3 Conditions for admission516
8.1.4 Shareholder’s rights517
8.1.5 Conditions for exercising voting rights517
8.1.6 Identification of shareholders517
8.2 Combined General Shareholders’ Meeting of May 20, 2020518
8.2.1 Agenda518
8.2.2 Report of the Board of Directors on the resolutions submitted to the Combined General Shareholders’ Meeting of May 20, 2020518
8.2.3 Draft resolution of the Combined General Shareholders’ Meeting of May 20, 2020525
8.2.4 Statutory Auditors’ special report on related-party agreements530
Agreements submitted for the approval of the General Shareholders’ Meeting530
Agreements already approved by the General Shareholders’ Meeting531
Related party agreements that have lapsed or expired536
9.1 Legal notices and practical information relating to Natixis538
9.2 Natixis bylaws539
9.3 Statement of responsibility for the universal registration document544
9.4 Documents available to the public545
9.5 Cross-reference table of the universal registration document546
9.6 Cross reference table for the annual financial report and the management report549
9.7 Glossary550

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