Worldline - Registration Document 2016

Corporate and social responsibility report Annex III - Building client’s trust with fully available and secured platforms and reinforcing value for clients

sustainability of the markets where it operates by contributing to the clients’ business transformation: As a result, Worldline payment and digital solutions and products positively leverage the different dimensions of the encouragement of a paperless society and improving the efficiency of transportation and therefore the reduction a positive impact in the fight against climate change by reducing the pollution and production of waste thanks to emissions thanks to its Live Traffic solutions and The Environmental benefits of Worldline’s solutions produce ● of CO 2 notifications of Worldline’s CRM services among others; interacting in real time with them thanks to personalized reduces the processing timings and reduces the need of a physical wallet and to increase their customers’ loyalty by The Economic benefits of Worldline’s solutions enable its ● clients to save time thanks to a quicker user journey that online accessibility by easing the payment phase and making accessible to all operations that before represented The Social benefits of Worldline favor digital inclusion and ● some level of restriction like the payment terminals that can be used by blinded people among others; The governance, trust and compliance benefits of Worldline ● reinforce the fight against fraud and corruption by delivering services that allow securing process from end to end also guaranteeing security, privacy and data protection. remote payment solutions among others; are the following: represents 46% [AO7] of the total revenue and the offers screened as the ones having a bigger impact on sustainability analysis performed on 2016, Worldline’s sustainable portfolio engaged on creating value for customers by illustrating the sustainability of its solutions. As a result of the sustainability As a champion of the digital transformation, Worldline has paperless processes, to fight against deforestation and to reduce energy costs such as for document storage and transportation. Also, the digitization solution contributes, thanks to the that favor digital inclusion by the increasing of connectivity that allows to provide services available everywhere and anytime. improved citizenship empowerment by providing easily accessed digital services and information for everyone and also Worldline offers e-contract, e-signature, e-archiving and e-safe solutions that are secure, simple and efficient that enable an Digitization Improving operational effectiveness and transforming businessmodels bymeeting the sustainability challenges of Worldline’s clients A.2.2.1

Helping to reduce costs by half compared with traditional paper based processes mean for customer greater efficiency, accuracy and traceability in line with the European Identification and Authentication Services and therefore reducing fraud and cyber threats.

Online banking

resources because it is possible to consult digital versions of account documents. contributing to the reduction of transportation and fostering paperless process that contribute to the saving of natural Worldline’s online banking solution enables customers to provide digital banking services anytime and anywhere Worldline’s online banking service also allows the end user to save time in daily life by consulting account balances, transfer inclusion. their customized secure online banking services in countries with limited access to banking services boosting the digital help banks and financial institutions to develop and enhance funds and purchase securities online. It facilitates the transactions thanks to mobile applications. Finally, this service Thanks to the SEPA OBeP solution, the payment process moved from card only to alternative payment means with Direct Debit proposed by banks, allows companies to improve their and Credit Transfer. This change, required to face the revolution in payment usages by capitalization of the digital channel all circumstances whatever the electronic device). Furthermore, it allows mutualization of resources and drives a reduction of the accessibility (online banking, mobile app) and flexibility to citizens and consumers in a global economy (universal access in (e-Government) and more collaborative ways of working (scheme organization). More generally, it provides greater SEPA OBeP powers the development of citizen services Terminals Worldline’s terminals count with the ECMA 370 declaration that integrates essential environmental measures positioning its devices in the industry best of class of the addressed compliance with the Reach and RoHS directives. recycling of end of life products, batteries and packaging material free from ozone depleting substances and in fully parameters. With this, the Company ensures that its terminals are integrated within a certified system for collection and In addition, thanks to its Voice Over POS terminal, that was an idea coming from its employees, Worldline makes the disabled people’s life easier by providing to blind people a secured way to pay in the physical world thanks to and audio assistance provided on their smartphone and guiding them all along the transaction on the payment terminal. need of physical infrastructure. SEPAOBeP sustainability performance.



Worldline 2016 Registration Document

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