Worldline - Registration Document 2016

Corporate and social responsibility report Annex III - Integrating sustainability inWorldline’s business

[GRI 103-1 sector specific disclosures] Mapping ofWorldline stakeholders’ expectations [GRI 102-40] [GRI 102-42] [GRI 102-43] [GRI 102-44] and and Worldline. The image below depicts the main stakeholders, the key challenges and the channels of communication used between these actors A.


Suppliers and partners IT hardware and software suppliers, payment terminal suppliers, services suppliers, business partners Sustainable relationships, costs, responsible procurement Suppliers partnership days, EcoVadis rating, workshop

Merchants, banks and other financial institutions, companies

Satisfation, innovation, data privacy

Satisfaction surveys, innovation workshops


Public bodies

Policies maker (PCI-DSS), professional organizations, international institutions, media

Employees, Trainees, Social partners Compensation, working time organisation, social dialogue, talent management, diversity Great Place To Work surveys, Well Being @ work program, Performance review interviews

Regulation, Reputation, data privacy, promotion of the e-payment sector

Meetings, conferences


Investors and analysts

Shareholders, investors, banks, analysts, rating agencies Profitability, transparency, risk management, governance

Local/national authorities, communities, associations, NGOs

Economic ans social impacts, compliance, environment protection, human rights, anti-corruption

Roadshows conferences, investors meeting, analysts days

Programs, projects

Main stakeholders

Main challenges

Main channels



Worldline 2016 Registration Document

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