Worldline - 2019 Universal Registration Document


EXTRA-FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF PERFORMANCE Integrating sustainability in Worldline’s business

discussion sessions are held to monitor the progress of action plans and coordinate the work of all the CSR local contributors. To ensure the integration of sustainability in all Worldline’s processes and strategic bodies: The CSR Officer is the privileged interlocutor of the Social ● and Environmental Responsibility Committee of the Board of Directors; The CSR Officer meets the CEO to present CSR actions ● and achievements on a quarterly basis so that the business and CSR strategies are completely aligned; The CSR Officer presents the results from CSR initiatives, ● roadmap progress and action plans to the Worldline Management Committee;

The CSR Officer also presents these results to the Works ● councils on a quarterly basis, so that these key internal stakeholders takes part in the implementation and sponsorship of the CSR strategy and action plans; The CSR Officer steers internal and external CSR ● communication actions, thus contributing to employee commitment. Each business and corporate function has the responsibility to implement the CSR strategy and to provide support for the CSR objectives (TRUST2020 targets); The CSR performance conditions are integrated in the ● unlocking of stock-options plan (refer to this document, Section G) through these 3 criteria that must be met : the GRI Standards “Comprehensive” option for Worldline reports, the EcoVadis Gold label and the GAIA Index general rating equal or above 70%. Company to structure its dialog with stakeholders with the aim to map their key expectations with Worldline’s business activities, thus prioritizing Worldline challenges through its materiality matrix, as well as to steer the reporting process. For more information, refer to this document, Section D.6.1. Worldline’s dialog with its key stakeholders takes place at every level of the organization under the direction of the CSR Officer, at global level with the CSR team and at country level with the local teams that strive to foster close ties with local stakeholders, especially national authorities. It was reinforced by Worldline’s commitment and alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This universal reading grid for sustainable development eases the dialog with all stakeholders, providing greater transparency and a relevant compass for market trends and critical global challenges in a long-term perspective. In 2019, Worldline continued to deepen the dialog with its suppliers (refer to this documents, Section D.4.4.1) thus reinforcing the sustainability of the procurement processes, as well as with its internal stakeholders, its employees to enhance CSR awareness throughout the organization (refer to this documents, Section D. Besides, Worldline has added a CSR question on the satisfaction surveys for its clients to better assess and address their CSR challenges in the supply chain.

A stakeholders and materiality approach [GRI 103-1 Economic Performance] D.1.1.3 [103-2 Economic Performance] [GRI 103-2 Indirect Economic Impacts]   [GRI 103-1 Worldline Specific Disclosures]

Approach CSR through our D.

stakeholders [GRI 102-40] [GRI 102-42] [GRI 102-43] [GRI 102-21] [GRI 102-27] [GRI 102-44] [GRI 103-1] [GRI 102-12] [GRI 103-1 Sector Specific Disclosure] [GRI 103-3 Market Presence] [GRI 103-3 Indirect Economic Impacts]

Worldline's integrated approach is based on an ongoing dialog with its stakeholders, including its customers, employees, suppliers, local government, public authorities, communities, NGOs, shareholders and financial analysts. In order to select the most important stakeholders to be engaged, Worldline has set up an approach based on the analysis of two criteria: How stakeholders are influencing Worldline’s activities; ● How Worldline can impact them (refer to the following ● graph). Through its CSR approach, Worldline ensures that all its stakeholders’ expectations are taken into account in its action. Thus, the CSR program guides the Company in being more relevant and transparent to create value for all its stakeholders, notably through its TRUST 2020 program. This approach is consistent with international recognized standards such as the AA1000 AP norm and the GRI Standards (Comprehensive option). These standards enable the


Universal Registration Document 2019

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