Sopra Steria - 2018 Registration document
CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY Sopra Steria: Committed to a sustainable, responsible world
The priorities resulting from the materiality matrix define the framework for action under Sopra Steria’s corporate responsibility programme. Key issues resulting from the materiality analysis, associated policies and key results are broken down in the various sections of this Corporate Responsibility Report (Chapter 3). A supplementary report, “Sopra Steria: Committed to a more sustainable, responsible world”, is available from the Group’s website. In particular, it includes all the Group’s indicators and detailed results relating to these corporate responsibility policies. 1.1.3. A CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE SUPPORTING THE GROUP’S PRIORITIES Sopra Steria’s corporate responsibility approach and programme are the responsibility of Executive Management, who validate the Group’s strategy and policy in this area. Corporate responsibility issues are presented as part of an annual update on the Group’s actions in this area to the Nomination, Ethics and Governance Committee of the Board of Directors. This system is organised around a dedicated Group department and four interdependent units supported by functional and operational departments. Group Sustainable Development and Corporate Responsibility Department The Sustainable Development and Corporate Responsibility (SD&CR) Department coordinates the strategy chosen with Executive Management and oversees the rollout of the Group’s corporate responsibility policy. It works with the relevant departments to coordinate the continuous improvement approach, and supports those departments and all entities as they implement their action programmes. Market Responsibility unit On a day-to-day basis, this unit works with operational departments to help respond to the specific needs of clients and the Group’s partners in relation to corporate responsibility and sustainable development. The unit is coordinated by the SD&CR Department at Group level. It is managed in close cooperation with Group departments responsible for particular aspects of market responsibility, particularly as regards ethics and compliance (Internal Control and Risk Management Department and Legal Department) and responsible purchasing (Purchasing Department). Responsible Employment unit Responsible employment is a key priority for the Sopra Steria Group. It is overseen by the Group Human Resources Department. This department works with Executive Management to determine employee policy, with key programmes to speed up recruitment of top professionals, bolster skills development and develop initiatives relating to workplace well-being, equal opportunity and diversity. Environmental Responsibility unit The Environmental Responsibility unit manages the Group’s environmental programme as well as its annual reporting. Its work involves the participation of a number of central departments (Real Estate & Purchasing, Information Systems, Quality and operational departments) that roll out their action programmes to local entities.
The unit, which is overseen by the SD&CR Department, is supported by a network of environment correspondents (known as Sustainability Champions), together forming the Group Environmental Sustainability Committee or GESC, spanning all entities and countries. Community Engagement unit Each Group entity implements community action programmes adapted to the needs of its local communities. This unit oversees the actions of the Sopra Steria-Institut de France Foundation. Its activities are carried out under the supervision of the Group SD&CR Department, which determines an engagement framework for the Group and coordinates the network of local stakeholders. To strengthen management arrangements within each of these units, the corporate responsibility policy is supported by two Group-level bodies. Sustainable Development and Corporate Responsibility Committee The Sustainable Development and Corporate Responsibility Committee (SD&CR Committee) is overseen by a member of the Executive Committee and the Sustainable Development and Corporate Responsibility Director. It brings together department and entity heads involved in the Group’s programme in this area. The Committee’s role is to monitor the roadmap and progress against associated action plans. It met twice in 2018. Depending on the issues at hand, more specific interim meetings may be held throughout the year with the relevant functional departments, as well as Group entities and operational departments. Corporate Responsibility Advisory Board The purpose of the Advisory Board is to provide external feedback on the various components of the Group’s corporate responsibility approach. The Advisory Board consists of four external experts and key Group managers with responsibility for business units and major issues. It met twice in 2018. The main topics discussed by the Committee in 2018 related to the Group’s anti-corruption policy and procedures, data protection issues, gender equality, Group-wide rollout of the internal shadow carbon price and external partnerships. In 2018, the Advisory Board’s membership included the following four independent experts: p Marie-Ange Verdickt, former Director of Research and Socially Responsible Investment at La Financière de l’Échiquier , a company director working with institutions that champion social development; p Patrick Bourdet, former founder and Chairman and CEO of Areva Med, who joined the Committee in 2018, an executive consultant and coach working with educational and child welfare bodies; p Mark Maslin, Professor of Climatology at University College London (UCL), an expert in climate change and author of numerous studies and publications on climate issues; p Frédéric Tiberghien, an honorary member of France’s Council of State, Chairman of Finansol and Honorary Chairman of ORSE ( Observatoire de la Responsabilité Sociétale des Entreprises – Observatory of Corporate Social Responsibility).
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