CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY Societal responsibility: increased interaction with stakeholders

3.3. Challenges and key achievements

2017 challenges/targets

Achievements in 2017

Ambitions for 2018

STAKEHOLDER DIALOGUE p Strengthen initiatives designed to raise awareness of corporate responsibility p Develop collaborative initiatives with the Group’s ecosystem (market, environment diversity and inclusion) DIGITAL RESPONSIBILITY p Contribute to thinking about the social impact of digital technology and work towards a more inclusive digital society RESPONSIBLE SUPPLY CHAIN Responsible Purchasing Charter p Incorporate new European and local directives into the Responsible Purchasing Charter p Roll new charter out to employees involved in purchasing Supplier evaluation p Reinforce the programme to raise awareness of the EcoVadis assessment system among Group purchasing staff to increase the number of suppliers assessed CLIENT ISSUES AND SATISFACTION Expertise and services p Continue to innovate in client projects p Develop joint corporate responsibility initiatives between Sopra Steria Group and its clients

p Contribution to the Group’s various major internal and external events. p Organised joint events and initiatives with clients and NGOs on issues related to corporate responsibility.

p Roll out new internal and external initiatives (market, community engagement, environment, ethics) to entities and internationally.

p Sponsored the Collège des Bernardins Digital Chair and the Digital Inclusion laboratory of the Agence Nationale des Solidarités Actives (ANSA)

p Provide long-term support for Collège des Bernardins’ digital humanism department.

p Comprehensive review of the responsible purchasing policy to standardise practices within the Group and incorporate new regulations (Sapin II Act, duty of care).

p Roll out this new policy across the entire Group.

p Review of the supplier evaluation programme to ensure it complies with the latest regulatory requirements (Sapin II Act, duty of care).

p Extend the programme to assess a larger number of suppliers and subcontractors in the country’s entities.

p 7 new DigiLabs, notably in Italy and Belgium. p Development of joint initiatives with our clients: Mobility with Demeter in France, Community engagement with Harrow Council in the United Kingdom and the Environment with a major city in Norway. p Introduce a Key Accounts governance framework geared to individual countries. p Analysis of the Group’s image among its major clients.

p Continue development of frameworks for innovation. p Strengthen the Group’s verticals by leveraging the Innovation Awards.

Client satisfaction p Strengthen the Key Accounts programme

p Harness the projects creating the most value from the Innovation Awards for the benefit of our clients.



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