CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY Societal responsibility: increased interaction with stakeholders
2.11. Regional impact
as did recruitment under occupational training contracts despite a decline (353 in 2017 vs. 379 in 2016). Furthermore, recruitment under permanent contracts of young graduates following internships grew strongly in 2017, up 28% relative to 2016 (461 in 2017, versus 359 in 2016).
Sopra Steria remained a major driver of growth in regional employment in 2017. The Group has 18,369 employees (excluding acquisitions), with close to two-thirds of them living outside the Paris region. A total of 2,616 new staff were hired on permanent contracts, with close to 59% of these living outside the Paris region (same as in 2016), To serve its clients and meet their needs as effectively as possible, Sopra Steria has developed regional service centres and boosted the workforce at its regional sites. This policy has resulted in many jobs being created in regions other than Paris. Recruitment of apprentices continued at a brisk pace in 2017 (161 apprentices taken on in 2017, 157 in 2016),
Sopra Steria confirmed its position as a major provider of regional employment in Spain, with 895 new staff recruited under permanent contracts. Recruitment across the country, already high in 2016, grew strongly year on year (700 new employees had been recruited under permanent contracts in 2016). Recruitment remained buoyant among under-25s, including in struggling regions where unemployment has reached record levels within the European Union, especially among under-25s (over 37% of whom are unemployed; source: INE).
3. Societal responsibility: increased interaction with stakeholders
Corporate social responsibility encompasses action in various different areas – responsible procurement, stakeholder dialogue, client satisfaction and outreach programmes to support local communities where the Group operates. 3.1. Background and key events Whether in relation to needs, uses, offerings or business models, in the face of rapid change linked to the digital transformation and new technologies, companies need to adapt and get on board with the digital revolution. As a major European player in the digital transformation, Sopra Steria is a preferred partner of major organisations, helping them respond to these new challenges. As part of its corporate responsibility approach, Sopra Steria interacts with all stakeholders, with an emphasis on three key factors: dialogue, innovation and value creation. Key events p Sopra Steria is a GC Advanced signatory of the United Nations Global Compact, the highest level. The Group ranks among the top 9% of companies supporting the Global Compact.
p Sopra Steria achieved EcoVadis Advanced Gold level for social and environmental responsibility, ethics and supply chain, putting the Group in the top 1% of companies rated by EcoVadis, which assesses companies’ CSR performance. p For the ninth year running, Sopra Steria was included in the Gaia Index, which lists the 70 companies with the best corporate responsibility ratings out of a sample group of 230 companies. p In 2017, Sopra Steria published the third edition of its European digital governance survey. p It received the following awards and accolades for its partnerships: IBM Watson Ecosystem Partner, Microsoft Health Innovation Awards 2017 Winner, SAP Quality Awards Golden Winner 2017 Belgium, Oracle Excellence 2017 Winner, SAS Regional Partner of the Year. 3.2. Commitments Sopra Steria’s approach to corporate responsibility is based on its commitment to the United Nations Global Compact. It embraces the principles of transparency towards and dialogue with all key stakeholders: clients, employees, shareholders, investors, partners, suppliers and civil society.
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