CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY Societal responsibility: increased interaction with stakeholders

3.4. Stakeholder dialogue


Civil society




Sopra Steria engages in ongoing and open dialogue that fosters innovation and value creation for all its stakeholders. For example, since 2014 the Group has entered into a partnership with Ipsos to conduct opinion surveys, the results of which are regularly published. Under this partnership, the Group and Ipsos have launched Digital Gouv’, a bellwether index for the government’s digital transformation. The third edition, based on a survey of 4,000 citizens representative of the national population aged 18 and over conducted in four countries (Germany, France, Norway and the United Kingdom), was published in 2017.

Value creation


Shareholders Investors




Regular dialogue concerning Sopra Steria’s contribution to helping clients meet their corporate responsibility challenges (meetings, questionnaires, third-party assessments, etc.); co-development initiatives with clients focused on innovation and social inclusion and environmental clauses linked to Sopra Steria’s services. Group-wide campaigns raising awareness about corporate responsibility; coordination of in-country officers networks; dedicated Group newsletter; education of new arrivals; dedicated mailbox. Employees’ involvement in diversity programmes, access for young people to employment, environment, community engagement. Reporting to shareholders via the registration document, general meetings, press releases and earnings presentations; dedicated communications for employee shareholders; communication with investors via the website and answers to specific questionnaires. Evaluation of the Sopra Steria Group by the Gaia Index, CDP and EcoVadis. Joint innovation approach with major strategic partners in the digital transformation; Governance of strategic partnerships (Microsoft, IBMSoftware, SAP, Oracle, HP Software, Dassault Systèmes) with dedicatedmanagers; More specialised partnerships with industry and technology vendors (Google Cloud, etc.). Responsible purchasing policy rolled out Group-wide; Responsible purchasing charter: programme to assess suppliers and subcontractors led by EcoVadis, an external organisation. Partnerships and sponsorships with international and local NGOs in each country; foundations in France and India; working with local authorities, schools and universities in the various countries in which the Group operates; active involvement in trade unions and industry bodies. Publication of an annual Corporate Responsibility Report audited by an independent third party; evaluation by non-financial organisations and analysts, with ratings publicly disclosed. Regular dissemination of information via the Group’s website and social networks: Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn.


Shareholders and investors


Suppliers and subcontractors

Civil society

All stakeholders

3.5. Support for the Digital Chair: a fresh perspective on digital technology’s impact on humankind As a major European player in the digital transformation working with large organisations, Sopra Steria plays an essential role in contributing to and providing input into work on the societal impact of digital technology. For the past two years, the Group has thus been involved with the Digital Chair created by the Collège des Bernardins, a key centre for gatherings and discussion, as part of its research activities. This


The Sopra Steria Group’s CR Advisory Board consists of external figures with no financial or business interests in the Group. Through their experience and expertise in key areas falling within the Group’s corporate responsibility, these advisors provide independent and relevant insights challenging and driving improvement in the Group’s corporate responsibility approach and forging stronger dialogue with all stakeholders. An overview of the Advisory Board can be found in Section 1.5.2 of this Corporate Responsibility Report.



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