PSA - 2019 Universal Registration Document

DECLARATION ON EXTRA-FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE Human resources: driving Groupe PSA transformation

GROUPE PSA WORKPLACE HEALTH AND SAFETYMANAGEMENT SYSTEM  DPEF.6  The Group’s Workplace Health and Safety ManagementSystem (WSHMS)is basedon the principlethat safetycan be designedfor, plannedfor and implementedeveryday.Managementat all levelsof the Companyensuresthat fundamentalsare respectedat all times and that the principlesset out in the health and safety policy are rolledout ina rationaleof continuous improvement. With the WHSMS, Groupe PSA is in compliance with the occupational health and safety recommendations of the InternationalLabourOrganization(ILO-OSH 2001)and performsits obligationsin all countries.This managementsystemwas designed and rolled out in 2009, with the roadmap being applied methodicallyto ensure step-by-stepacquisitionand control of its requirements. The five essentialsteps to maturityincludedin the roadmap(raise awareness, change mind-sets, change behaviours, change habits and align the corporate culture) are essential to bringing about lastingchange. TheWSHMS,whichhas takenover all OHSAS 18001areas,supports evaluation, monitoring and risk control. The WSHMS goes even further and also includes specific requirementsregarding policy, commitmentand the role of the Health and Safety Committee. These requirementsare in effect at all sites and at all levels. The

WSHMS also includes a description of personal protection equipment,the modus operandi for handlingexternal visitors and contractors. It also outlines various risks (psychosocial risks, chemical risks, musculoskeletaldisorders, commuting risks, etc.). Thus, with regard to the principlesdescribedin OHSAS 18001,the WSHMSappraisesthemaccordingto six maturitysteps,facilitating support for and control of their progression. The Group’s best practices are also incorporatedinto the reference guide before being sharedwithotherentities andbecominga standard. Performance in safety and workplace accident prevention  DPEF.7  TheGroupachieveda totallost-timeaccidentfrequencyrateof less thanonefor the secondtime.This1 pointtargetratewasset in 2010 withthe launchingof theWorkplaceHealthandSafetyManagement System. The Group has among the best performancein industry. These results reflect safe practices by both permanent and temporary employees. Since2009,witha viewto ensuringthe protectionof all employees, the Groupdecidedto managethis indicator(TF1 Management)by using the total lost-time incident frequencyrate includingGroup employeesand temporaryemployees.With emphasis on training from the first day on the job and to the attention paid to all categories of workers, the lost-time accident frequency rate for temporaryworkersis nowas lowas forGroupemployees.




Automotive division


0.8 1.0 0.8

Other Activities




Management lost-time accident frequency rate includes Group employees and temporary employees. It corresponds to the “number of lost-time occupational accidents multiplied by one milliondivided bythe number of hours worked”.

ConcerningFaurecia, in 2019, it reached a FR0t rate of 0.8 point (numberof workplaceaccidentsinvolvinga Faureciaemployeeor an interim employee and resulting in a stoppage of work for one millionhours worked). Faurecia remained at the level of the bestpracticesworldwide.

SEVERITYRATE (Scopenot including Faurecia,t 31 December)

Severity rate

Europe Rest of the world

Total 0.07 0.05 0.07

Automotive division

0.07 0.05 0.08


Other Activities




The severityrate correspondsto the numberof consecutivedays lost to accidentsmultipliedby 1,000 dividedby the numberof hours worked.



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