PSA - 2019 Universal Registration Document

DECLARATION ON EXTRA-FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE Human resources: driving Groupe PSA transformation

Occupational illnesses Good health is essential to sustainingthe performanceof human resourcesandbusinessoperations. Ergonomists, doctors, safety engineers and health and safety expertsworktogetherwithmanagementto set specificoperational action plans toward preventing occupational illnesses and controlingthe frequency rate of occupationalillnesses (including musculoskeletaldisorders). PreventingMusculoskeletaldisorders (MSD), which account for most of the Group’s occupationalillnesses, is a priority for the workplacehealthand safetypolicy,and in particularinvolvesetting up rating tools for workstations,analysing why MSD occur and findingsolutionsin preventingthem.Everyyear,actionplansare set and implemented in all Groupplants,especiallybasedon the Work Related Alert (WRA or ALT in French) process, allowing every workerto escalateany difficultythat he faces at workstation.From 1999to the end of 2019,the proportionof “heavy”workstationsfell from35% to9%, while“light” workstations rose from 26%to 59%. Preventingchemicalrisks is a majorfocusof the Grouphealthand safetymanagement.All chemicalproductshave to be approvedby the Group ToxicologyDepartment,led by a toxicologistphysician. All manufacturing,R&D and sales facilitieshave a surveillanceplan for airquality indoor. Preventing psychosocial risks and, more generally, promoting well-being in the workplace are not only critical to keeping employeeshealthyand safe at work but also have a direct impact on the Company’s performance. With support from the occupationalhealth services,Groupe PSAhas developedexpertise in detecting stress and identifying motivation factors, and accordinglya constant ambition to decrease stress and improve motivation. Using these evaluation tools, the Company reports publicly its results on stress frequency rates and on the related improvement objectives. The Stress Measuring and Monitoring Programme is based on individualquestionnaires. It is operationalin Europe,Latin America and in Russia. In 2019, 17,872 confidential surveyswere completed andrevealedthatthework-relatedexcessstressfrequencyratewas 7.5%. Moreover, the Group is extremely focused on providing managers with psychosocial dedicated training, “Creating the conditions for sustainableperformance”,which is mandatory for every manager worldwide. Preventing road risks As a car manufacturer,the Group naturallyputs a high priorityon road safety. In collaborationwith employee representatives,the Group issued a work-relatedroad Risk PreventionCharter setting out theprinciplesto be respected. Awareness-raising initiatives,trainingand monitoringhelped lower the numberof roadaccidentsresultingin dayslost by 20%overthe last three years.

Joint management-worker health and safety agreements andcommittees  DPEF.9  In most host countries,joint management-worker organisationsare in charge of monitoringthe applicationof employee health and safetypractices. More than 95% of Group employees are represented by Joint Management-Worker Health and Safety Committees(indicatornot including Faurecia). The Group is also committedto implementingthe best workplace health and safety standardsand practices,which led to 23 health andsafetyagreements signed in 2019. Groupe PSAstated an ambition to offer an employeeexperience based on well-being at work by laying the groundworkfor the futurewith newworkmethodsand consequentlyprovidinga space for individualandGrouptalentto blossom. Health capital Groupe PSAviews health as a state of physical,psychologicaland social well-being, and as a foundationof itsperformance. Its policyaimsto maintainand improveemployeehealthcapital.It is based onfollowingpriorities: health monitoringthrough the health services, to highlight the n main healthdeterminants; targeted communication and trainings regarding those n determinants; ergonomic study of workstations, their design and their n management in dailylife; a structuredapproachto reportingdifficultiesexperienced in the n workplace,the work-relatedalerts (ALT). A few thousands of them are issued every year. On top of that, some plants experiencean originalproblem-solvingprocess(BEST Bien-Être en Situationde Travail or Wellbeingat the Workplace),basedon the self-treatmentof the difficultiesexpressedby the working teams. Providing every participant the occasion to express difficultiesand contributeto solve themby themselves,it shows interesting results in termsof social relations andmotivation. Work-life balance The Group endeavoursto apply teleworkingat global level on a volunteer basis and as a flexible organisationimprovingworking conditions. Teleworking : There are now nearly 17,950 teleworkersworldwide. The Group fosters teleworkingat global level on a voluntarybasis and as a flexibleorganization improvingworkingconditions.Driven by this aspiration, teleworking is nowalso in use in 13 countries. Part-timeemployees Employees’requests for part-time work are approved whenever possible, with individualisedsolutions that align employee needs with efficientteamperformance.Part-timecontractsare chosenby employees andnot dictated by the Group. QUALITY OF LIFE AT WORK  DPEF.4  DPEF.6 



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