NEOPOST - 2018 Registration document


Non-financial performance statement

Social, societal and environmental information

Human capital development Developping talents and skills is central to Neopost’s human resources policy, with a particular challenge in terms of the transmission, transfer and acquisition of key or rare skills, specifically in the digital sector, which is highly competitive and constantly changing. Neopost aims to provide its employees with the resources necessary to ensure they play an active role in developing their skills and careers. The challenges of effective training are to offer innovative content, appropriate and varied formats, and personalised training modules. In addition, internal mobility is a prime lever in promoting skills development, and providing career prospects and the means for each individual to evolve and progress within the

Group. The diversity of the careers offers a wealth of human and technical experiences. It permits a sharing of ideas, favours decompartmentalization of departments, and nurtures cohesion and creativity by creating teams of professionals with highly diverse profiles.


85% Of employees received at least one training course in 2018



85% of staff attended at least one training course in 2018 • 4,716 employees trained and 27.69 hours of training by FTE • Budget of EUR 3.59 million allocated to staff training with investments greater than in 2017 • (+16.6%).

Training plans

122,232.24 hours of training including 29.7% on digital • 82% of entities offered digital training • 40% e-learning hours • 93.2% of staff had an annual appraisal interview •

Focus on digital training

Annual appraisal interviews

310 employees benefited from internal promotion or a change of position within the same • entity

Internal mobility

Neopost Ltd’s proactive approach to talent development

Focus on digital-based training and e-learning There has been a sharp rise in digital-based training in line with the Group’s digital activities and over 82% of entities offered this to their teams in 2018, dedicating 36,329 hours or 30% of all hours. This allows the Group’s staff to acquire new skills and improve their expertise in the face of competition and in a context of rapidly evolving technologies. In addition, 48,402 hours of training were offered in the form of e-learning, i.e. 40% of all hours, the majority (59%) being carried out in the classroom with the rest over the telephone (1%), specifically foreign language courses. E-learning is particularly strong within the EDS division, more specifically at Quadient. In 2018, e-learning was also adopted within NISA-NTSA with the introduction of the new Vodeclic tool, through which staff can train independently when they wish. To encourage this practice, a number of challenges were launched during the year to encourage staff at the sites of Bagneux, Le Lude and Rueil-Malmaison to obtain skills certificates ( e.g. Skype, Microsoft Teams and Outlook).

Neopost Ltd in the United Kingdom has developed and adopted a new and radical approach to ongoing performance appraisal, moving away from the traditional annual appraisal process. It is more flexible and more regular process with active participation of the evaluated employee. This approach makes it possible to be more reactive in terms of human capital development and to review the priorities during the year. The new approach has been extremely well received and recognized as added value by managers and all teams in the United Kingdom. This change of practice has proven to have a benficial impact. The company has developed a more rigorous and robust process for the appraisal of talent and succession planning. The human resources team has launched several leadership development programs that have been instrumental in achieving this goal. A training program providing access to an improved and relevant catalogue of training resources, significantly improving the quality of career and development plans for staff complemented the program.



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