NEOPOST - 2018 Registration document


Non-financial performance statement

Social, societal and environmental information

Group's priorities The Group has identified its priorities based on the most tangible challenges and the most critical risks. The Group’s CSR priorities were identified taking into account the expectations of its stakeholders as well as the most critical non-financial risks. They were then grouped into five areas: engaging with staff, building trust and customer satisfaction by providing safe, innovative and sustainable solutions and services, acting ethically and responsibly, limiting environmental impact and working with communities. Neopost also analysed how the priorities for action defined by the Group could help meet the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In particular, the Group wishes to contribute to the achievement of the following 5 Goals: Goal 5 “Achieve gender equality and empower all women • and girls”: the Group is committed to gender equality and, as far as possible, it wants to not only recruit more women but also allow them to access management positions through internal promotion. As part of this, a gender diversity working group is currently examining the issue at European level (Neopost USA has already set up a “Diversity Council” in 2009) and helping shape objectives at Group level for the coming years. Main target: employees. Goal 8, which aims to “Promote sustained, inclusive and • sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all”: in accordance with

its Code of ethics and supplier code of conduct, the Group is particularly mindful of the working conditions of all its suppliers and partners and is committed to respecting the fundamental principles set out in the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the conventions of the International Labour Organization. Moreover, it helps boost employment in the different regions of the world in which it operates. Main targets: partners and employees. Goal 9 “Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and • sustainable industrialization and foster innovation”: as a committed and innovative player in the fields of digital communication (CCM solutions, paperless digitalisation) and the value chain for parcels (CVP-500, parcel lockers), the Neopost group is very much involved at its own level. Main targets: partners, customers and communities. Goal 12 “Ensure sustainable consumption and production • patterns”. Neopost is a player in the circular economy through its remanufacturing approach. Furthermore, the Group deploys collection processes for its end-of-life Goal 13 “Take urgent action to combat climate change and • its impacts”, through the various initiatives adopted by the Group to reduce its energy consumption, to optimise upstream and downstream freight transport, or to reduce the carbon footprint of its products, which are detailed in the environmental section below. Main targets: communities. products and consumables. Main targets: customers.

Engaging with the Group's employees

Neopost firmly believes that its staff are the key for success. Their talents, ideas and actions shape the future of the Group's business on a daily basis. This is especially important as part of the Group's activity transformation. To sustain its operations around the world and get Neopost ready to grasp the opportunities generated by its strategy, the Group is currently rethinking the conditions needed for a reciprocal, lasting and loyal commitment between Neopost and its staff. The Group is committed to supporting its employees

in changing its business, giving them the means and opportunity to grow and develop, and help fulfil the Company’s new strategy. Neopst cares about the well-being of its staff and is committed to improving their working conditions, enhancing their professional skills, promoting diversity and ensuring health and safety at work for all.



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