NEOPOST - 2018 Registration document


Non-financial performance statement

Social, societal and environmental information


The Group has been voluntarily and actively engaged in a process to improve Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) since 2004. Within the Group, the CSR and QHSE (Quality, Health, Safety and Environment) department relies on a network of local officers who are present in the various Group companies and works in close collaboration with the human resources, innovation and technology, supply chain, legal and financial, and communications departments. Questions concerning the Group’s CSR strategy are presented and handled by the Group’s executive Committee. In November 2018, a “strategy and corporate responsibility” Committee was created within the Board of directors. In addition, a Group ethics committee is composed of members of the legal, CSR and QHSE, and internal control departments. This committee ensures compliance with the Group’s commitments regarding ethical issues. There are also local committees in some countries like the United States.

In 2018, we conducted an in-depth analysis to identify our challenges as well as our non-financial risks in order to redefine the priorities for Neopost and or its stakeholders and thus integrate them into the Group's strategy announced in January 2019. The Group has also analyzed Neopost’s shared value creation through its business model. This chapter includes the elements constituting the non-financial performance declaration in accordance with the order of 19 July 2017 and the decree of 9 August 2017. This non-financial performance declaration includes: the business model and its shared value creation in 2018; • analysis of material issues for the Group and its • stakeholders; • commitments, initiatives and results of the year 2018. • main CSR risks analysis; A consultation of the Group’s external and internal • stakeholders. Interviews were held with investors, customers, partners and members of the Group’s Executive Committee. Questionnaires were also sent to all senior leaders and to some of the Group’s employees (representing the Group’s various business units and the different countries in which it operates) as well as to a sample of end-users of our solutions and services; An analysis of the results of the consultation and the • calculation of the final scores for each challenge.

Group CSR priority challenges

Materiality analysis The materiality analysis helps us identify and prioritize which challenges matter most to our stakeholders and where Neopost needs to be focusing as a result. Conducted in 2018, this analysis involved three main stages: A study of international standards, a benchmark of industry • best practices and a review of the expectations of customers, investors and credit rating agencies in order to draw up a list of the Group’s CSR challenges;


Moderate challenges

Major challenges

Critical challenges


Data privacy

Technology availability

Corporate governance

Solutions and services offers

Fraud and corruption

Products stewardship


Human capital development

Products eco design

Health & safety, well being at work

Sustainable procurement

Human Rights

Intellectual property

Attracting and retaining talents

Climate change

Product end of life

Community engagement

Importance for Neopost’s stakeholders

Importance for Neopost


Solutions & services

Ethical practices




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