NEOPOST - 2018 Registration document


Non-financial performance statement

Social, societal and environmental information

Social, societal and environmental information



SME Solutions World number 2 position in mailroom solutions, a sector with important barriers to entry. Distribution network of 500,000 small and medium enterprises. Activities in the field of digital communication and shipping. Graphic activities.

F inancial Strong financial

83% of Group revenue

structure and strong cash flow generation

Human 5,600 employees in 29 countries

Know-how Strong legitimacy on each business lines

Total revenue of 1.1 billion in 2018 Around 70% of recurring revenue

Intellectual R&D : 5.2% of income invested 7 R&D centers 800 engineers & technicians

Industrial 3 production centers and 5 logistics centers

5% of Group revenue

Distribution network

Geographic location close to customers

Neopost Shipping Strong positioning in the emerging market of parcel lockers, for the management of delivery and returns, especially in Japan.

Natural Energy and raw materials

Automated fit to size packing solution. Shipping and parcels tracking solutions.



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