HERMÈS - 2020 Universal registration document



order to take time to share experiences during lockdown and feelings about returning to work. Advance on-site visits were offered to employees who wanted this, so that everyone could familiarize themselves with the conditions put in place for the resumption of activity. Occasionally, adjustments were made to working hours to take into account certain specific situations. Fixed-term professional training contracts that were about to expire were extended until training resumed and the complition of the courses could be validated. A guidance and psychological counselling unit, open to everyone, was set up . It provided confidential and personalised support to more than 55 employees during the first wave, with 172 interviews. This unit was reactivated for the second wave and supported 13 employees with 22 interviews. Subscriptions to a platform designed to facilitate childcare were offered to all employees in France. Particularly appreciated when schools were closed, this platform recorded nearly 200 memberships. All employees in France were able to access training content online on a weekly basis via the Group Campus newsletter, as well as remote lecture cycles provided by internal and external contributors, "breathing workshops" via the “InterHactions” programme and the provision of the My Campus training portal. MEASURES TAKEN IN FAVOUR OF EMPLOYEES The basic salary of all Group employees was maintained in full during the various periods of store closures or lockdowns, both in France and internationally. During all these periods, the Group decided not to seek any State aid relating to partial activity measures. This decision was applied in all countries where the Group operates. On the production sites, activity was able to resume on 14 April 2020, under very strict conditions given the still very uncertain global health context. The House wanted to recognize the commitment of its employees by awarding them a return to work bonus. A Group agreement on emergency measures to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic was negotiated remotely with the representative trade unions. Thanks to everyone’s commitment, this agreement made it possible to prepare for the resumption of activity on the sites, in consultation with the SECs 1. by placing all employees on paid leave for one week during the closure period. The relationship with personnel bodies and trade unions was thus decisive in supporting employees during the lockdown, as well as in preparing for the resumption of activity. Employees responsible for looking after their children benefited from adapted working hours or an adjusted workload.

The Human Resources function, which was heavily used during this period, proved to be solid and able to act as a true partner in the face of the crisis, close to the teams, with positions shared almost daily at global level between all the Human Resources Directors of the métiers and countries. SUPPORT FOR MANAGERS Regular discussions with the management community, involving employee representatives, made it possible to jointly identify the appropriate health measures to adapt operations and the communication to be put in place. These exchanges allowed for a controlled dissemination of information, increased proximity between managers and effective reporting of individual situations within the teams. In order to support managers, but also to equip them, an ambitious support plan was rolled out very quickly with special opportunities for discussion between Human Resources and Managers to listen to and advise them, and co-development workshops for sharing feedback. On a voluntary basis, managers were able to benefit from internal group or individualized coaching from April 2020 to share their experiences of teleworking and lockdown, to prepare for the reception of teams when normal operations resumed, to share their concerns and questions and finally to communicate on new work habits (alternating patterns, wearing of masks, distancing rules, health protocols in the event of contamination, etc.). This programme was relaunched in October. More than 1,129 managers took part in 175 group sessions in France and Europe in 2020. SUPPORT FOR EMPLOYEES During all these singular periods, regular communication was set up with teams via local managers or Human Resources teams in order to maintain contact, receive news and keep everyone informed of developments in the situation, both in France and internationally. Governmental guidelines issued in each country were strictly adhered to, as were all employee safety guidelines. Within Hermès Maroquinerie-Sellerie, numerous direct exchange networks for all employees, which were particularly important for the more than 4,000 craftspeople, were set up to facilitate the flow of information in real time, as well as to respond to their questions and needs. Other entities such as Hermès Cuirs Précieux have formed “Confinés mais inspirés” (Locked down but inspired) groups in order to maintain a working community dynamic. During the first wave lockdown in France, the resumption of activity began with a welcome session for each team, led by its manager, in

Comité Social et Economique : Social and Economic Committee 1.


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