HERMÈS - 2020 Universal registration document




Hermès’s sustainable development is based on the fulfillment and well-being of its teams, as part of a corporate project that has placed people at the heart of its values since 1837. More broadly, Hermès contributes to enriching its human capital and tackling major societal challenges through proactive initiatives in the areas of ethics, diversity, equality among its employees, consideration of disability and, more generally, human rights. Introduction The family business model adopted by Hermès for six generations places people at the heart of its project. The Group’s Human Resources, focused on the employee experience, formalize their ambition as: “To contribute to the sustainable growth of Hermès. To nurture its unique culture by offering an employee experience that promotes individual achievement and collective success. Through development opportunities and recognition, to enable employees to participate in the Hermès journey.” Diversity and inclusion are ingredients in the House’s success, which is expressed in different ways. Health and safety at work are a priority. Specific actions complement long-standing ones in favour of well-being at work and the development of employees. They are supported by regular diagnostics, in order to implement a structuring and empowering approach and pursue the objective of improving the quality of life at work. In addition, in order to adapt the workplaces, particular attention is paid to the architecture and ergonomics of the production units, stores and offices. Harmonious labour relations are strengthened, in France, by the Hermès Group’s agreement on social dialogue and the exercise of union rights, which sees regular activity at both local level and centrally. Hermès’ economic success is regularly shared in various forms. The contribution made by employees to the House’s development, whatever their role, is acknowledged through various profit-sharing mechanisms in order to involve them in the project over the long term.


audit and risk management department. This crisis unit worked closely with a large number of contacts: general services for the supply of masks, gloves and wipes, Hermès Beauty & Perfumes for the production of hydroalcoholic gel, métiers , distribution subsidiaries, production subsidiaries, and support functions. A forward-planning unit was added to the monitoring unit to look at the evolution of Covid-19 in all regions and propose longer-term actions. Local intelligence units have also been activated within each métier division and each country. At Hermès Maroquinerie-Sellerie, for example, the métier with the largest workforce, a central unit made up of Human Resources Directors, divisional managers and the corresponding central teams was set up, with further units in each regional division composed of members of the CSSCT 1. , the divisional director, the Health, Safety, and Environment manager and human resources department, together with an occupational health doctor and the central functions of the métier . These units have made it possible to establish health protocols, ensure widespread dissemination of information on the measures taken and ensure compliance with generic protocols adapted to the activity of each division. Given the unprecedented nature and complexity of the situations to be managed and anticipated, the meetings of these units were held weekly or daily as required.

Covid-19: HEALTH CRISIS MANAGEMENT Confronted with an unprecedented health context, impacting every continent on several occasions throughout the year, Hermès has responded by reaffirming its people-focused values and its commitment as a socially responsible employer, through unprecedented action and adaptation of its operations. During this period of instability and uncertainty generated by the Covid-19 crisis, Hermès maintained all jobs throughout the world and all salaries in full, while making the protection and safety of all employees a priority. For many employees, Hermès has proven to be a safe haven that has acted in an extremely responsible manner. Social dialogue was the keystone of this support, allowing the implementation of measures adapted to the realities on the ground, accepted and understood by all employees. In order to provide everyone with the best support, managers benefited from coaching in order to help manage periods of lockdown and exit from lockdown. Employees could access support from psychological counsellors, if they felt the need. STEERING A group monitoring unit was set up on 28 February 2020 to anticipate and then support in the best way the various stages of prevention during the pre-lockdown, lockdown and exit from lockdown periods. This unit comprised 10 employees, including representatives from the human resources department (labour relations department and internal communication department), the safety department and the

Commission Santé Sécurité et Conditions de Travail : Health, Safety and Working Conditions Commission. 1.



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