Groupe La Poste // ESG Essentials 2022

La Poste Groupe ’s greenhouse gas emissions in 2022 amounted to nearly 2.4 million tCO 2 eq ( vs 2.7 million tCO 2 eq in 2021, i.e. -11%). This reduction of 290,000 tCO 2 eq is explained by the combined effects of a change in reporting methodology and decarbonisation policies: ❚ an improvement in the methodology and data consolidation system within the group, which accounted for nearly 37% of the reduction (air travel emission factors and increased reliability of the subsidiaries’ reporting systems); ❚ the continued deployment of an ambitious sustainable real estate policy (7%); ❚ the continued optimisation of road transport, both by the group and subcontracted (20%); ❚ the decrease in air transport in 2022 (36%). In total, the GHG emissions from the parcel business decreased by 6% in 2022. All of the group’s residual emissions are voluntarily offset by the fi nancing of offsetting projects. In addition, the certi fi cation of the SBTi trajectories (1.5°) of the group’s main activities continued: ❚ La Banque Postale obtained SBTi certi fi cation already in 2021 for its trajectory based on a target of a 46% reduction in its GHG emissions on Scopes 1 and 2 between 2021 and 2030 and the ambition to achieve scienti fi cally determined objectives on 85% of its total fi nancing and investment portfolio by 2030; ❚ GeoPost has committed to reducing its Scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions by 43% by 2030 and by 90% by 2040 compared to a baseline of 2020. Its medium-term (2030) and long-term (2040) trajectories were validated by the SBTi in February 2023. ❚ La Poste is committed to a joint medium-term (42% reduction in emissions on Scopes 1 and 2 and 25% on Scope 3 by 2030) and long-term (90% reduction between 2021 and 2040) trajectory. This medium-term (2030) and long-term (2040) trajectory was submitted to the SBTi in December 2022.




■ France in 48

th position out of 131 countries for its air quality in 2022 (source: IQAir 2022)

■ 4.9 metric tonnes of waste per inhabitant per year in France ■ The building sector is the largest consumer of energy in France (43% of energy consumption) ■ 8 million metric tonnes of plastic dumped in the oceans every year, and this amount could triple by 2040 ■ In 2021, the average carbon footprint of a French person was 8.9 tCO 2 eq per year, far above the threshold of two metric tonnes required to comply with the Paris Agreements ■ 1 million species threatened with extinction (source: IPBES) ■ 13% of European commerce is captured by e-commerce. In France, this represented €147 billion in 2022 (source: Fevad)

Working to accelerate the environmental transition for all BEING A RESPONSIBLE AND EXEMPLARY COMPANY Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions saved (Scopes 1, 2 and 3 concerning




Place the group’s main activities on SBTi-certified trajectories

ND 104,558 metric tonnes of CO 2 eq saved

transport and delivery subcontractors) in connection with the reduction of the emission intensity per parcel

1. Becoming a leading player in the rational management of resources

2. Committing for the climate a. Act to reduce our climate footprint within the framework of SBTi certified trajectories, in line with the Paris Agreements (1.5°) by committing to the Net Zero SBT standard objective by 2040 (1) a. Ensure the group’s carbon neutrality thanks to the programme to offset its residual emissions (2) b. Maintain the leading position in zero or low emission delivery in France and Europe c. Strengthen the group’s energy efficiency plan to reduce its consumption d. Offer products and services that promote the environmental transition e. Assert itself as the leader in positive impact finance in Europe f. Support regions and customers to have a positive impact on the environment 4. Protecting biodiversity a. Assess and reduce the impact of the group’s activities on biodiversity (buildings, investments and financing, transport) b. Contribute to citizen mobilisation in favour of biodiversity in mainland France and overseas c. Deploy the Global Biodiversity Score as a group biodiversity performance indicator from 2023

Colissimo: reduction of GHG emissions per parcel since 2013



a. Reuse 100% of reusable IT equipment b. Reuse or recycle 75% of its waste by 2030 c. Maximise the use of recycled materials in La Poste’s mail and parcel packaging d. Integrate the circular economy at all levels of the group’s operations e. Support the development of second-hand platforms between private individuals by 2030 f. Become a leader in new local services in terms of circular economy logistics by 2030 g. Be the first company with a certified SBT for resources trajectory by 2030

Reduction of air pollutant emissions from La Poste’s internal fleet (reference year: 2015) Number of buildings certified ISO 50001 for the quality of their energy management system

NO X : -58% MP: -49%

NO X : -62% MP: -49%

2025 target: -60%



Share of sustainable paper used

84,8 %

88,3 %

Photovoltaic panels installed on the real estate portfolio managed by La Poste Immobilier for La Poste Groupe

45,212 sq.m.

51,600 sq.m.

Change in electricity and gas consumption by La Poste Groupe

-14% between October 2022 and January 2023

Global Biodiversity Score (action to promote biodiversity)


ND Implementation of the indicator in 2023

GUIDING OUR CUSTOMERS THROUGH THE TRANSITION Outstanding green investments by CNP Assurances


€25.2Bn €30Bn by the end of 2025

3. Reducing atmospheric and noise pollutant emissions a. Measure, set objectives and take action to preserve air quality b. Limit the noise pollution related to the group’s activities c. Offer air quality measurement solutions to local authorities

Materials collected for recycling and reuse by Recygo and Nouvelle Attitude subsidiaries

115,674 metric tonnes

107,111 metric tonnes

Share of recycled material in the total weight of packaging sold


40.5% 60% by 2030

DRIVING CHANGE IN SOCIETY Obtain electricity from 100% renewable sources



2025: 100%

Waste electrical and electronic equipment recovery rate



(1) The “net zero emissions” objective, defined by the SBTi, implies a 90% reduction in emissions by 2050 and full offsetting of residual emissions through sequestration projects. (2) For more information: Carbon neutrality is a priority for La Poste Groupe.

Indicators monitored by the Mission Committee

18 Societal commitment: ESG Essentials 2022 — La Poste Groupe

19 Societal commitment: ESG Essentials 2022 — La Poste Groupe

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