Groupe La Poste // CSR REPORT 2022

Becoming a leading player in the rational management of resources 5 WORKING TO ACCELERATE ENVIRONMENTAL TRANSITION FOR ALL ■

Since 2022, La Poste has also participated in FREPI, a project managed by Orée and resulting from FRIVEP on high visibility clothing, which is even more complex to process than branded clothing (VIM). When La Poste moves or transforms a postal site, it increasingly seeks to redeploy furniture. The equipment is then mainly redeployed within the Company or donated to social and solidarity based economy structures, or to very small companies in the start up phase. Plastics are used in a wide variety of equipment and objects within the group, from everyday consumables to equipment with a very long useful life. Discussions are underway about the design of work clothes and parcels to reduce plastic consumption and/or increase their recyclability at the end of their life. Various plastic objects related to food production or consumption are routinely recycled (palletising films, strapping, bottles, etc.). Other objects are recycled as part of local solidarity projects. While the health crisis has slowed down the elimination of single-use plastic, particularly in restaurants, instructions are distributed to find alternatives to disposable plastic cups and bottles, in accordance with regulations, and adequate supplies are referenced by the Purchasing Department. The specifications applying to the cafeteria service include ESG requirements, particularly with regard to preventing food waste and sorting waste. As a result, processes and methods have been implemented to prevent daily food losses, and to raise awareness among kitchen teams and guests. Innovations are being rolled out to reduce unsold items, such as the preparation of baskets at attractive prices. Buildings and construction materials In its specifications and calls for tenders, La Poste Immobilier, the group’s real estate company, favours the use of building materials with low environmental and health impact. The studies are based on life cycle analysis experiments for certain projects. La Poste Immobilier has launched several life cycle analyses of different types of operations to identify the items having the greatest impact and seek alternatives through the use of materials with a lower carbon footprint.

In addition, La Poste Immobilier has joined the low-carbon specifiers hub launched by the French Institute for Building Efficiency ( Institut français pour la performance du bâtiment - IFPEB) and benefits from access to the tools developed to compare the carbon footprint of different materials. These tools enable it to target materials with a small footprint on its construction sites. To ensure better use of real estate surfaces , La Poste Groupe deploys several co-working space concepts, which optimise the workspace, reduce commuting and facilitate cooperation between companies. As such, unused spaces in post offices or spaces in buildings that La Poste wishes to redevelop may be transformed into third-party co-working locations. For this, La Poste Immobilier is supported by partners and innovative start-up. Since 2016, the group’s real estate company has been a forerunner with its construction waste prevention and management policy . The regulations require an audit of waste materials and equipment during the dismantling of buildings of over 1,000 square metres. La Poste Immobilier has extended this obligation by introducing a waste/resource assessment on the same model (demolition, construction, renovation, refurbishment, etc.). La Poste Immobilier also prioritises the methods for processing resources, emphasising reuse. It has set itself ambitious targets in terms of waste material recovery (80% for non-hazardous waste, 85% for inert waste). To achieve this objective, employees and service providers have been trained and equipped (construction site waste management kit, monitoring documents, integration into framework contracts for project management and construction companies). Following pilot projects, the approach is being rolled out. The recovery rates for the real estate projects monitored in La Poste Immobilier’s national reporting for 2022 are 82% for non hazardous waste and 97% for inert waste. As part of a major project to reuse construction finishing equipment, La Poste Immobilier is setting up a consortium with companies from the inclusive sector specializing in reuse. The project was launched in July 2022, at 4 pilot sizes (Chalon, Paris Bourseul, Roubaix, Rennes). In 2022, nearly 34,000 metric tonnes of materials from La Poste Immobilier’s construction sites were reused.

5.4.2 Being a reference partner in the circular economy In addition to products, such as envelopes, postal parcels and mobile phones, the group is developing services to support its customers (companies, local authorities, private individuals) in the environmental transition, and in particular in the areas of second hand purchasing, recycling, reuse and repair. It support the development of second-hand platforms for private individuals. It combines its logistics offers with reverse logistics, collection and delivery offers promoting the reuse and recycling of everyday objects. La Poste’s major contribution to the circular economy is its ability to capture and direct diffuse resources, scattered among a multitude of users, professionals and private individuals. The group also supports the roll-out of the circular economy in the regions through innovative financing (including crowdfunding) and insurance solutions.

New local logistics services for the circular economy

As a leading operator and partner in the circular economy, the group wants to overcome one of the major difficulties of the circular economy, that of the logistics of objects to be reused or recycled. It involves collecting everyday objects or professional equipment from private individuals or companies to extend their life cycle. La Poste Groupe has developed expertise in reverse logistics and offers a range of solutions for its customers. It can capture diffuse resources, pool them, give them added value and direct them towards recycling and reuse actors. The services provided by La Poste Groupe are aimed in particular at customers with mixed quantities of materials: private individuals, SMEs, VSEs and network companies.

96 CSR Report 2022/ LA POSTE GROUPE

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