Groupe La Poste // CSR REPORT 2022

A strengthened societal commitment 1 LA POSTE GROUPE PROFILE AND STRATEGY ■

Types of direct stakeholders Main expectations identified French State

■ Respect of commitments with the French State (regulatory compliance and public service obligation) ■ Customer satisfaction and adaptation to consumer expectations ■ Financial performance and sustainability of the business model (long-term value creation) ■ Managing risks that may affect the Company’s reputation ■ Being listened to, taken into account, receiving a personalised response on the first request and real-time tracking of communications ■ Innovative offer adapted to different needs ■ Data protection and confidentiality ■ Easy, quick and intuitive access to services


Customers and consumer associations

Employees and their representatives

■ Quality jobs and working conditions (health, safety, quality of life at work) ■ Involvement in changes within the Company and in ESG initiatives ■ Boosting employability and supporting career paths

Local elected representatives, local authorities

■ Strong presence in their region, including in underprivileged areas. Involvement in local projects that promote sustainable development (climate plan, regional climate-air-energy plans [SRCAE], city policy, and rural development)

■ Contribution to the policy in favour of vulnerable people ■ Support for the implementation of public service activities

Suppliers and subcontractors

■ Long-term economic partnership with ad hoc solutions to propose innovation ■ Compliance with contractual commitments and payment deadlines ■ Conditions of access to fair markets, choice criteria on the part of La Poste Groupe, not only in terms of prices but also of the ESG criteria

Other companies and groups

■ Discussions on shared practices, tools, positions or commitments ■ Respecting fair competition rules

Non-profit sector partners (NGOs or other non-profit organisations)

■ Transparency of practices and communications ■ Contribution by the group to progress on sustainable development and national and local solidarity initiatives

Multi-stakeholder organisations

■ Request for dialogue with the group, information and feedback pertaining to the commitments made ■ Request for participation in public interest work, making commitments relating to the sustainable development topics

■ marketing communication; ■ non-compliance with social and economic laws and regulations; ■ environmental non-compliance.

La Poste Groupe is not subject to litigation (1) for reasons of:

■ consumer-related non-compliance of its products and services; ■ non-compliance of labelling on its products and services;

(1) All grievances or complaints directly filed against one or other of the entities of which the group’s Legal Department is aware, i.e. at least any dispute or fine exceeding €10 million.

CSR Report 2022/ LA POSTE GROUPE 9

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