Groupe La Poste // CSR REPORT 2022

A strengthened societal commitment 1 LA POSTE GROUPE PROFILE AND STRATEGY ■

1.2.2 An approach driven by dialogue with stakeholders The stakeholders of La Poste Groupe make up a rich, complex ecosystem. The group identifies the stakeholders with which it engages according to the scale and frequency of their interactions with the group. It extends its responsibility to its entire value chain. Shareholders, customers, suppliers, local authorities and employees of La Poste Groupe are among the main stakeholders, as they are essential to operational performance and value creation.

In 2020, La Poste Groupe also organised an extensive consultation of all its stakeholders with a view to drafting the purpose: ■ an internal working group composed of around 30 employees from the group’s main entities drafted proposals on how to express La Poste Groupe’s purpose; ■ these proposals were submitted to seven dedicated working groups bringing together around a hundred representatives of external stakeholders by major category: individual customers, VSE customers, SME and ISE customers, key accounts, elected representatives and local authorities, elected parliamentarians, partners and suppliers. Two additional working groups took into account the feedback from representatives of internal stakeholders, and more specifically a panel of employees from all the group’s business units and subsidiaries in the regions; ■ the trade unions were also consulted during bilateral meetings between the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer and the Head of Human Resources and each organisation and during discussions in plenary sessions. The purpose and manifesto were then tested with all the people approached in workshops as well as with 6,500 other stakeholders (individual customers, companies, elected representatives and opinion leaders) through the annual SMART brand and transformation survey. In addition to this exceptional consultation, La Poste Groupe incorporates the expectations of its stakeholders in a regular update of its materiality matrix. The last update took place in 2022, in application of the concept of double materiality introduced by the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive currently being drawn up by the European Commission.

Over time, the group has built partnerships with NGOs, maintaining close relations with them. These partnerships make it possible to find shared solutions, and work together to drive societal progress in the public interest. Thanks to the expertise of the NGOs, the group can also improve the way it works. To identify the categories of stakeholders involved in its activities, the group uses: ■ the NF X30-29 standard on the methodology for identifying stakeholders and the hierarchisation of the fields of action for an organisation given the impact on society and the environment; ■ the ISO 26000 standard; ■ the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards; ■ the UN’s sustainable development policy; ■ the Charter and guiding principles for constructive dialogue with stakeholders (Comité 21) . The participative approach is a very structuring system for La Poste Groupe. It materialised in 2020 through a consultation of all its stakeholders. In total, 140,000 people (La Poste employees, customers, partners, elected representatives, citizens, suppliers) took part. Their contributions were integrated into the development of the strategic plan “La Poste 2030, committed for you”.

8 CSR Report 2022/ LA POSTE GROUPE

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