Groupe La Poste // CSR REPORT 2022


La Poste also relies on its energy management system to quickly achieve a 10% reduction in energy consumption over two years, a target announced by the French government in September 2022. The group’s efficiency plan is divided into four areas: ■ reduce the energy consumption of infrastructure and vehicles. Every year, La Poste Immobilier invests €15 million to €20 million in energy renovation work on its buildings; in addition, the group has planned to invest €5 million for the renewal of the lighting stock; ■ capitalise on the mobilisation of employees, in particular by implementing temperature setpoints at 19 degrees and by applying eco-friendly actions widely communicated internally; ■ ensure business continuity in a context of energy tensions (central measures of the EcoWatt plan); ■ develop the visibility of La Poste’s responsible commitment, in particular by implementing communication around the EcoWatt system with employees and customers via the screens of post offices. Energy efficiency actions are also implemented in GeoPost’s subsidiaries in Europe, in order to reduce the consumption related to heating, air conditioning, lighting and the use of IT and electronic equipment. Training on best practice is also rolled out. La Poste manages the “Lower Watts” programme to help VSEs and SMEs save energy. By drawing on its know-how in terms of energy efficiency and its regional network, La Poste aims to guide the greatest number of professionals by 2025 among the 700,000 VSEs and SMEs that consume the most energy in all business segments. To this end, it deploys a system based on the digital approach and human support, which offers a reduction in their energy consumption (electricity, gas, fuel oil) adapted to their businesses by promoting the development of their skills and their autonomy. Financing and directing savings towards green and responsible activities The group and its subsidiary La Banque Postale are committed to sustainable finance, given the urgency of the ecological transition. The expansion of the offer proposed to its customers is part of this imperative to direct financing, savings and insurance towards green and responsible products and services. The group and its subsidiary La Banque Postale also finance themselves through green bonds to support environmental transition projects (sustainable mobility, renewable energies, etc.). Through the “La Poste 2030, committed for you” strategic plan, La Banque Postale has established itself as the European leader in positive impact finance. In addition to its carbon neutrality in its operational scope (since 2018), La Banque Postale is committed to achieving zero net carbon emissions by 2040 across all its banking activities, i.e. ten years ahead of the recommendations of the Paris Agreement.

In October 2022, as part of its commitment to the Net Zero Banking Alliance, it also published its first sectoral trajectories aligned with the “Net Zero Emissions by 2050” scenario of the International Energy Agency. Its two subsidiaries, CNP Assurances and La Banque Postale Asset Management, have also submitted their alignment contributions to the Paris Agreement, to the Net Zero Asset Owner Alliance and the Net Zero Asset Management Initiative, respectively. Commitments for green and responsible finance With regard to the development of green finance, in 2020 La Banque Postale Asset Management became the first all-SRI generalist manager. All open products managed for individual and professional customers thus converge towards responsible management. Green loans, launched in 2019 to support the efforts of local authorities in favour of the environmental transition, and extended in 2020 to the private sector, were reviewed in 2022 to ensure their alignment with the European Green Taxonomy. In addition, La Banque Postale has a team dedicated to the financing of renewable energy projects, energy optimisation of buildings and infrastructure (fibre, water network, heating, public buildings, mobility, public transport). In October 2022, La Banque Postale enhanced its offering with social loans aimed at financing projects that have a positive impact on society, such as education, health and regional cohesion. Since the end of 2015, La Banque Postale has been supporting its individual customers in their civic commitment with the Green Range. This range offers financing solutions for housing (energy renovation with the zero-rate eco-loan, loans dedicated to green work, home improvement with the Eco PTZ), etc. Louvre Banque Privée, via Lendopolis, offers its customers the opportunity to become direct players in the energy transition through their savings. Since 2017 and its shift towards renewable energy projects, Lendopolis has financed more than 350 projects (€171 million invested). Thanks to the customers of La Banque Postale and Louvre Banque Privée, the projects financed have made it possible to avoid more than 113,000 metric tonnes of CO 2 emissions. La Banque Postale and its subsidiaries LBP AM and CNP Assurances are signatories to several international agreements and participate in discussions and projects within the organisations mentioned in Section of La Banque Postale’s 2022 Universal Registration Document. Consideration of non-financial criteria in banking, asset management and insurance activities See the following sections in La Banque Postale’s 2022 Universal Registration Document: ■ “Inclusion of ESG criteria in product and service design”; ■ “A responsible refinancing policy”; ■ “Integrating ESG issues into asset management”; ■ “Integrating ESG issues into CNP Assurances' insurance and investment activities”.

82 CSR Report 2022/ LA POSTE GROUPE

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