Groupe La Poste // CSR REPORT 2022

A strengthened societal commitment 1 LA POSTE GROUPE PROFILE AND STRATEGY ■

1.2 A STRENGTHENED SOCIETAL COMMITMENT 1.2.1 High-level commitments backed by international initiatives

In terms of the fight against climate change, protection of the environment and biodiversity, La Poste Groupe sets out its commitments within the following frameworks: ■ RE 100 since 2016; ■ Sector commitment of the IPC and the Universal Postal Union (UPU); ■ French climate pledge; ■ Supporter of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) since July 2019; ■ Corporate Engagement Program (SBTi for nature), January 2021; ■ Science Based Targets (carbon trajectories of La Poste SA and La Banque Postale, respectively validated in 2019 and 2021); ■ Business Ambition for 1.5°C Pledge of the SBTi, October 2021; ■ Commitment with WWF France towards zero carbon delivery; ■ In 2021, La Poste committed to being the first company with a “SBT for resources”-certified trajectory by 2030. In the field of digital services , La Poste Groupe sets out its commitments within the following frameworks:

The social, societal and environmental commitments that the group has set itself the task of pursuing within the framework of its activity, within the meaning of 2° of Article L. 210-10 of the French Commercial Code, are broken down into ambitions for 2030. They correspond to the positive impact that the group intends to continue to produce for society as part of its development. They enable La Poste Groupe to contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) . The following SDGs are at the heart of the group’s priorities:

■ SDG 3: Good health and well-being; ■ SDG 4: Quality education; ■ SDG 7: Clean and affordable energy;

■ SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth; ■ SDG 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure; ■ SDG 10: Reduced inequalities; ■ SDG 11: Sustainable cities and communities; ■ SDG 12: Responsible consumption; ■ SDG 13: Climate action; ■ SDG 15: Life on land.

■ Responsible Digital Charter (2019); ■ Inclusion Manifesto (2019); ■ Planet Tech Care Manifesto (2020).

More generally, the two areas of commitment led by SDG 16 (peace, justice and strong institutions) and SDG 17 (partnerships for the achievement of the objectives) support all of the group’s activities and commitments. As part of its adherence to the United Nations Global Compact, the group publishes an annual communication on its progress at advanced level. The group’s societal commitment is based on international guidelines, in particular: ■ the United Nations Global Compact (since 2003); ■ the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; ■ the OECD guidelines; ■ the fundamental conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO); ■ the UNI Global Union (signed by GeoPost/DPDgroup in 2017); ■ the Forum des entreprises engagées (the Forum of committed companies) (in terms of ethics). In France, La Poste is a signatory of the Diversity Charter, the Parenthood Charter, the Apprenticeship Charter and the Charter of the Union of Advertisers (UDA).

La Banque Postale (and its subsidiaries LBP AM and CNP Assurances), which has been publicly involved since its creation in numerous industry initiatives to promote more sustainable finance, joined the following industry initiatives in 2021:

■ Net Zero Banking Alliance; ■ Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative; ■ Finance for Biodiversity Pledge; ■ CDP signatory; ■ PRB Commitment to Financial Health and Inclusion.

For more information on the sustainable finance commitments, see page 107 of La Banque Postale group’s 2022 Universal Registration Document.

CSR Report 2022/ LA POSTE GROUPE 7

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