Groupe La Poste // CSR REPORT 2022


Cross-Entity Efficiency Plan Coordination Committee (depending on current events: one meeting per week for a small team of 20 people and one meeting per month for a larger team of 70 people) Composition: the “sobriety” ecosystem brings together the efficiency contacts and officers of the business units and subsidiaries, Human Resources, Communication, CSR, real estate and purchasing experts, the BCP manager and the safety and risk functions. Activity in 2022: ■ Structuring and cross-functional management of La Poste Groupe’s sobriety plan around four missions: 1) Coordinate : coordination committees, creation of common tools, structuring of a load shedding BCP; 2) Embark : definition of eco-gestures, mobilisation of employees and management (awareness-raising, competitions); 3) Communicate : deployment of the plan via internal and external communication; 4) Measure: monthly monitoring of energy consumption and the impact of the plan on consumption and the achievement of objectives. Energy and Environmental Transition Steering Committee (one meeting in 2022) Composition: a dozen qualified external experts, the Group Strategy Department, the Chief Financial and Development Officer of La Poste Groupe, the Head of Societal Commitment, the Head of Communication, invited members of the Executive Committee (depending on the topics covered) and business line experts. Mission: feed the group’s discussions on strategic issues relating to the environmental transformation to remain a leader in environmental and energy issues in its business lines and support its customers and regions in their own transition. Activity in 2022: one meeting on sustainable real estate. Prospective Committee (brainstorming meeting(s) as needed during the year) Composition: around 20 leading internal and external thinkers coordinated by the Head of Foresight and Research in the group’s Strategic, Cross-Functional Partnerships and Innovation Department. Missions: feed into strategy discussions with regard to the short-, medium- and long-term impacts of societal changes on the group, its activities, its organisation and the need to launch new innovations. Mandarin Committee (bimonthly) Composition: Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer and Head of Strategic Investments of Caisse des Dépôts, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Executive Vice-President in charge of Finance and Development of La Poste Groupe, Chairman of the Management Board of La Banque Postale Missions: monitor the industrial cooperation between La Poste Groupe and the Caisse des Dépôts group, which includes projects involving societal commitment. Activity in 2022: development of synergies between CDC and La Poste on the deployment of Maisons France Services and Étapes Numériques; Synergies on the EET (housing, mobility, energy) Duty of Vigilance Steering Committee (three meetings in 2022) Composition: Group Compliance Department, Group Human Resources Department, Societal Commitment Department, Risk Department, Group Purchasing Department, Legal Department, duty of vigilance officers of the business units and tier-one subsidiaries. Missions: ■ develop the documentary reference framework for the duty of vigilance; ■ establish and manage the operational deployment of vigilance policies and programmes for group entities; ■ validate the duty of vigilance risk mapping (own activities and supplier and subcontractor activities); ■ define and analyse the results of the internal control system and decide on the actions to be implemented; ■ ensure the implementation of the alert and vigilance system. Activity in 2022: Transfer of management to the Compliance Department, which carried out the following activities: ■ strengthening of the governance framework and teams in charge of the duty of vigilance; ■ contribution to the formalisation of the group’s human rights policy; ■ strengthening of risk mapping (refinement of the risk assessment methodology and extension of the scope); ■ improvement of the internal control system (drafting of guides, integration of a duty of vigilance component in the supplier assessment); ■ regulatory watch; ■ enhanced accessibility of the alert vigilance system with the launch of the English version. Purchasing Compliance Committee (three meetings per year) Composition: the Group Purchasing Department (pilot), purchasing compliance officers and heads of risk and internal control of the entities. Mission: assess the compliance of purchases. Activity in 2022: deployment of procurement compliance governance. Group Responsible Purchasing Committee (four meetings per year) Composition: Group Purchasing Department, Societal Commitment Department, CSR officers of the business units, subsidiary purchasing departments Missions: deploy the responsible purchasing roadmap as part of La Poste Groupe’s strategic plan. Activity in 2022: in coordination with the Societal Commitment Department, creation of La Poste Groupe’s HAR policy validated by the Executive Committee in October 2022; launch of HAR training for the entire purchasing sector in 2023.

CSR Report 2022/ LA POSTE GROUPE 21

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