Groupama // 2021 Universal Registration Document

4 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR) Declaration of Extra-financial Performance

Circular economy (consume less, better, reuse) Prevention and management of waste (a) The Group’s service business activities do not directly generate waste or pollution other than office waste. However, we wish to make progress in the recycling of such waste, particularly through selective sorting, already effective in several of the Group’s entities (for example, the Campus, Bordeaux, and Astorg sites in Paris). At Groupama Campus Nanterre in 2020, a printing reduction challenge was launched, and Groupama joined the CUBE challenge, an inter-company competition of the IFPEB (1) , the objective being to reduce the energy consumption of buildings, three properties registered for 2020 (WP1, 2 and 5). Groupama was awarded bronze for WP5 (20% energy savings). Recall that the “Happy Cleanings” operations carried out by the companies moving to Nanterre mobilised the employees to collect and recycle 188 tonnes of paper over the 2017–2019 period (2) . In addition, furniture and supplies have also been donated to charities for reuse and recovery. Operation Les Petits Papers 2021. As part of the preparations for the move from Astorg to Nanterre (ESCALE project), all the paper and cardboard placed in the recycling bins were recovered for the benefit of the Groupama Health Foundation. From 14 June to 30 September 2021, the challenge set up on the Astorg property enabled €6,300 to be donated to the Groupama foundation (which gave it to an association), for 63 tonnes of paper and cardboard and confidential paper deposited in the recycling containers. Fight against food waste (b) The Group’s entities themselves do not handle food services for employees (subcontracted corporate catering or restaurant vouchers). However, companies are putting in place actions to combat food waste, such as poster campaigns and awareness-raising events during the European Sustainable Development Week.

these resources are calculated on an activity that includes on-site employees and inherent travel, stoppages, gauge-based restarts or travel constraints have necessarily had an impact depending on the position. Paper consumption ❯ Beyond the absence of employees at the sites and “zero paper” working practices acquired in 2020, the continuation of digitisation (Zero paper programme, etc.) and the deployment of pull printing reinforced the decrease already seen in previous years in paper consumption: -21.6% from 2020, with the largest share concentrated on mass publishing, at -24%. Energy consumption ❯ With a very slight increase of 0.45% in total energy consumption, the greatest difference is seen in gas and heat, at +5.6% and +36% respectively. Electricity saw a significant decrease of 2.8%. The year 2021 was marked by several periods of teleworking and on-site presence with gauges. The properties were therefore heated normally, regardless of the number of employees present. The decrease in energy consumption per FTE initiated in 2019 continues with a difference of -23.6% since 2013. Business travel ❯ The continuation of the more optimised use of fleets and the ramp-up of remote relations, the recommendation over time of train travel in particular relative to air travel, allow for a controlled evolution of travel. The restrictions linked to the pandemic have particularly affected medium/long trips by train or plane, which explains the drop in these two categories. Over the year, the number of km, all transport combined, rose very slightly to 0.74%. The plane and the train continued their downward trajectory with respectively -41.8% of km for the train and -30.6% of km for the plane. Cars remain the largest “producer” of km with 91% of total travel, which is explained by the very business of the Group and the large proportion of salespeople in the workforce. The partial resumption (compared with 2020) of commercial activities and the switch from rail to this mode of transport in the context of the pandemic explain the slight increase in this item to +7.4%.

Sustainable use of resources (c)

The health crisis with the total and then partial lockdowns explains the decrease or increase observed according to the indicators. As

IFPEB: Institut Français pour la Performance du Bâtiment, of which Groupama Immobilier is a member. (1) Source: Groupama Supports & Services, final results. (2)

89 Universal Registration Document 2021 - GROUPAMA ASSURANCES MUTUELLES

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