1 OVERVIEW OF THE GROUP Human resources

Group training is the third component of the CERH. In 2020, the Group’scompaniesin France investedmore than 698,747hours of training (all modes combined) for all employees, representing around 29.57 hours of training per employee. The investment represents more than €26.5 million for its combined scope. In qualitative terms, regulatory training (GDPR, Anti-Corruption, Cyber-Security) represents a significant share of the training provided at the Group level. In addition, national programmeswere launched in 2020, such as the community pathways for Pros sales advisors (Synergie Formation), the Project Experts Programme (PEP) for project Managers, Health Managers as part of the Nougats Programme, and the IT migration of all employees to the digital collaborative space (DCS). For all of the Group’s companies, “Mon Université” hosts all the steps of the training production chain: from collecting training needs to evaluating training as well as the reporting and management tools necessary for the activity. The Group has also reinforced its cyber-risk protection mechanisms by rolling out training (e-learning) on cyber-security and preventivemeasures to all its employees.Similarly,with regard to the prevention of risks of bribery and influence peddling, the Group is committed to raising awareness among all its employees. To give meaning and to strengthen the ownership of the Group’s strategic guidelines and employee participation in their operational implementation, the Vision programmecontinuedto be deployed in 2020. The “Priorities 2021” day brought together more than 1,000 executives and Senior Managers online in September 2020, a highlight contributingto the commonmanagementculture, both by promoting achievements in the companies and sharing new ways of working and managing to serve employee engagement and recognition. Furthermore, 31 Senior Managers attended the “Talent and Skills” training modules, and 70 future Group Directors participatedin the Directors Leadership Programme, which provides them with training modules or news days to prepare them to hold strategic positions. Through the new promotionof the ExecutiveLeadership Program, 15 leaders are expected to develop their individual and cross-functional leadership, helping them to act confidently in complex and changing situations. In order to identify and build the loyalty of the talent necessary for the Group and its companies, the “GroupamaTalents” application is offered to all categories of employees across all entities, each conducting their employee review. In the particular context of 2020, the HR Operational Committee worked to build a new HR dynamic guided by three imperatives: supporting management, developing skills in a changing environment, and building a common vision of the professional world of tomorrow, able to meet individual expectations while preserving the interests and functioning of the Group.

It has also been deployedin other companies(GroupamaNord-Est, Groupama Loire Bretagne, Groupama Paris Val de Loire, Groupama Gan Vie, and G2S). A similar “WelcomeBack” app was used when the lockdownwas lifted in May 2020 to facilitate the return of GroupamaAssurances Mutuelles employees to the site, allowing everyone to access all useful data from their mobile phone: good habits to be adopted (charter of good conduct,wearinga mask, process if contamination is suspected, etc.), important information (how to access the premises or organise meetings, cleaning measures, travel, etc.), contacts (security control room, Workplace Health Department, Covid-19coordinators,HR contacts, logistics, etc.), and FAQ. With nearly 750 downloads, it was a real success when employees returned to the site. Mobility (geographical and/or functional) is a driving force behind the performanceof the employees and the Group companies and involved more than 1,524 employeesin France in 2020. The Mouvy intranet, the internal online recruitment site open to all Group employees in France, recorded 3,686 applications in 2020. A unanimously signed addendum was added to the Group agreement on inter-companytransfers in June 2014,reinforcingthe mechanisms in place: improved support, better publication of job ads on Mouvy, reduced time frames for transfers, etc. With regard to the end of employmentcontracts, the consolidated companies had 1,396 departures of permanent employees (excluding 93 transfers), including716 in France,which break down as follows: 37.2% resigned, 20.1% retired, 15.5% were laid off, 13.5% left during their probation period, 8.8% had contract terminations, 3.1% left under a voluntary redundancy plan, and 1.7% died in service. Outside France, 680 employees under permanent contracts left: 62.8% terminated their contract, 22.6% resigned, 10.0% were laid off, 4.4% retired, and 0.1% died in service. As of the end of 2020, the CERH handled payroll (including withholding taxes), HR studies, time management, and administrative and reporting management for 18 entities, representingaround 110,000payslipsproducedper year, including 82% digitised issued via the electronic safe made available to employees. The regulatoryobligationsof the assistanceagreementand Syntec have been configured in the CERH’s HR information systems to manage the payroll of SFPJ in 2020, after integrating Mutuaide, CapsAuto, and SDGAC in 2019. The recovery in Amaline’s target payroll tools will be effective starting 1 January 2021. Integrations into the CERH of the HR Studies functionsof the entities continued at the rate of the resumption of the Payroll functions. In 2020, 61,572 documents were filed through Electronic Document Management(EDM) by all the HR functions. There were 7,811 electronic signatures, 3,236 of which were amendments regarding teleworking.The HR functions use document digitisation tools on a daily basis. The Link “payroll tool change” project began in October 2020on the payroll scope of the nine metropolitan regional mutuals and Groupama Océan Indien with the objective of optimising IT costs (annual gain of €1.2 million),harmonisingpayroll rules, and sharing business line procedures.

14 Universal Registration Document 2020 - GROUPAMA ASSURANCES MUTUELLES

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