1 OVERVIEW OF THE GROUP Human resources

importance of (i) accelerating certain projects to achieve our ambitions: strengthening the relationshipof trust with our customers(quality, ❯ proactiveness, and clarity of the offered solutions); accelerating the transformationand digitisation of the insurance ❯ ecosystem (“phygital” pathway, self-care); and (ii) remaining focused on preserving the profitability of our business lines (low interest rate environment,climate change, new risks).

a market-leadingposition on the P&C and health and individual ❯ protection markets; strong, complementarybrands, enablingit to addressall types of ❯ customers; an extensive range of insurance and banking products and ❯ services, enabling it to cover all of our customers’ needs; an international network. ❯ Building on its strengths, the Group has reconfirmed its long-term strategy while undertaking certain tactical efforts. The crisis has tested the robustness of our five pillars and has highlighted the





Since the end of 2017, the Groupama group has invested in significantly enhancing the reputation and attractiveness of its employer brand to facilitate recruitment, engage and retain its employees, and thus anticipate and prepare for the future. With this in mind, the Group’s new employer brand has been deployed, becoming one of the pillars of the Groupama brand’s global communication. It is in line with a desire for consistency between all communicationactions to support the Group’svisibility, while effectively serving the recruitment needs of thceompanies. For greater impact, the Group’s communications feature its employees, who provide living proof through their personalitiesand their responses to the needs of our customers: “That’s what it means to be a true collaborator”. The sourcing system has been enhanced with programmaticmarketingcampaigns,conductedon social networks and the Web in general, which aim to make us known to active or passive (not yet actively searching) candidates. In 2020, the Group also organised a fully online recruitment event campaign, “Nos Vraies Rencontres”, for work/study candidates in April and for experienced candidates in June/July, serving seven companies,which attractednearly 3,000 unique online visitors and 429 applications,ensuring high visibility even in the circumstances of this unprecedented year. The objectiveof these various actions is to best target the suitability of the position/profile in order to be more efficient in sourcing candidates. Our career website groupama-gan-recrute.comhad 218,209 hits in 2020 and received 177,904 applications in one year. This qualitative investment in the Group’s attractiveness is also verified in view of the integration work by ensuring the loyalty of employees starting from or even before their arrival. Like the Group’s other companies, Groupama Assurances Mutuelles has overhauled its integration process with a one-year course offered to all new employees. The revised orientation session provides newcomers with further information about the Group and their company and creates relationships between the participants. Similarly, the “WelcomeApp”, a mobile app for newcomers, creates a link with employeesas soon as the contract is signed and offers, before their actual arrival, an interactive introductorycourse to learn about the values, history, and projects of the Group and Groupama Assurances Mutuelles.

To meet its strategic ambitions, improve its performance, and therefore meet the expectations of its customers, Groupama invests in people. The principlesof the human resourcespolicy are shaped by the Group’spurpose, based on social responsibilityand made possible by the engagement of its 30,974 employees. As of 31 December2020, GroupamaAssurancesMutuellesand its subsidiaries had 12,717 employees. The Group Human Resources Department manages and coordinatescorporatepolicies and programmesand is at the head of the HR functional reporting line in accordance with the established distribution of responsibilities between the Group HR Department and the company-level HR Department. Each company in the Groupama Assurances Mutuelles scope of consolidationmanages its human resourcesand its social policy as locally as possible, in line with the policy principles and the overall strategy defined for the Group. To cope with the health crisis, the Group/companycohesion has been strengthened, thanks to ongoing coordination between the HR Directors who are members of the HR Operational Committee and betweenthose in the Paris area as well. This mobilisationmade it possible in particular to provide uniform legal analyses and harmonised, equitable responses to all employees. This teamworkand the exchangeof good practicesare reflected in the very heart of the HR operational activities, and much has been done since the beginning of the crisis. Beyond the digitalisationof recruitment and integration processes, the training modules were switched to remote mode, communication was significantly developed (broadcasts, podcasts, and messages from Senior Management,regular newsletters),and the early deploymentof the Digital Collaborative Space solutions enabled all meetings to be held remotely. In 2020, the consolidatedcompanieshired 1,104 employeesunder permanent contracts (excluding 9 transfers and 88 secondments), including 676 in France, to strengthen their sales networks and customer relations platforms and to reinvigoratetheir management and expert teams as well as the auditing, internal control, and steering functions: 14.6% of new employeesare under 26 years of age, 10.8%are 50 and over, and 18.3%of new hires resulted from the conversion of fixed-term contracts into permanecnot ntracts.

13 Universal Registration Document 2020 - GROUPAMA ASSURANCES MUTUELLES

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