1 OVERVIEW OF THE GROUP Human resources

favour of professional gender equality in terms of compensation, pay increases, promotions, and access to senior positions. These results demonstratethe Groupamagroup’s proactive action for many years in ensuring equal pay for women and men, particularly in the context of collective agreements and the “Mentoring for women” initiative, which launched its third edition in 2020. Which has created a real dynamic for potential employeesin connectionwith the work on talent managementand the inclusion of women in senior management. In France in 2020, on the consolidated scope, the Group achieved its objectives of 48.8% women in managerialpositions(comparedwith 48.9%at the end of 2019) and 30.4% women in executive positions (compared with 23.1% at the end of 2019), since 73.8% of transitions to the executive category involved women. Groupama continued its commitment within the “Collective of French Companies in favour of a more Inclusive Economy” and its local adaptations,marking its commitments in terms of continued training of employees and inclusion of young people through apprenticeship. With regard to apprenticeship,our actions are strongly consistent with our commitments,since the rate of conversion of work/study training contracts in France on the consolidatedscope (82 in 2020) to a fixed-term contract or a permanent contract was 21.3% in 2020 compared with 23.5% in 2019. In terms of diversity, in line with the commitmentto the “Manifesto for the inclusion of people with disabilities in economic life”, the Group maintainedits recruitmentefforts (54 in 2020 comparedwith 50 in 2019) and its responsible purchasing policy. Over a seven-year period, more than 450 employees with disabilities were recruited (permanent and fixed-term contracts, training contracts,or as temporaryworkers) by the Group’s French companiesin the frameworkof this long-termcommitment.For the overall group, there were 1,080 employeeswith disabilitieson staff as of 31 December 2020. At European level, industrial dialogue is conducted within the European Works Council, in which all of the Group’s European subsidiaries (Italy, Greece, Hungary, Bulgaria, Slovakia, and Romania) are represented. The European Works Council (EWC) continued its discussions about rapid technological developments, their implications on changes in professions, or working methods in the health crisis context. Moreover, in 2020, for the eighth year, the Group HR Department carried out information production projects, in particular social information, in the consolidated companies, relating to the Declaration of Extra-Financial Performance obligations (order and decree of 2017 modifying the application of the Grenelle 2 law), which, after an audit and verification by the statutory auditors, obtained the certification of conformity and integrity of the produced information. Groupama thus offers all its employees a social and human plan over the long term, consistent with its purpose and values.

This forward-lookingwork is highly consistent with the HR policy priority of working well together and ensuring a work/life balance. Although it was a massive response to the crisis with the teleworking of 97% of employeesin France starting in March 2020, teleworking was already widely deployed in advance. This plan continued to grow (7 out of 9 regional mutuals, 8 subsidiaries,and the entire UES), in particular at Groupama Assurances Mutuelles: As of the end of 2017, 400 employees worked remotely. Three years later, 990 or 85% of the workforce worked remotely. With respect to the collectivewages policy, profit-sharingmeasures are in place in all Group companies in France. At the consolidated level, more than €27.7 million(9,328 beneficiaries)and €5.4 million (1,905 beneficiaries) respectively was paid out for profit-sharing schemes in 2020. As such, in an economicenvironmentthat is both constrainedand uncertain, the wage policy in 2020 made it possible to maintain a good level of compensation competitivenesrselative to the market. For the second consecutive year, most of the Group’s entities granted “Macron bonuses”. This measure covered approximately 80% of UDSG and UES staff. In addition, in keepingwith a responsibleemployerapproachand in response to the outlook for pension plans, Groupama once again increased the employer contributionto the “1.24%” supplementary pension plan by 0.10 points, bringing it to 1.44% starting in January 2020, for an increase of 0.2 points in two years. This option was also adopted for the Gan entities, increasing the contribution to the branch plan from 1% to 1.20%. In savings/pensions, the transformationof the PERCO into PERCOL on 1 January 2020 offered the opportunity for employees to make voluntary deductible contributions from taxable income. In France, the consolidatedcompaniesare principally regulated by the Collective Insurance Companies Agreement (covering 87% of employees), with the other companies regulated by agreements covering their own business lines (banking, support, etc.). Contractual provisions are supplemented by inter-company or company agreements, especially with regard to the organisation and duration of work as well as pension and protection insurance schemes. At the Group level, industrial dialogue is managed in France within the Group Committee and the Industrial Dialogue Commission (a negotiatingbody). It was active in 2020, notably in the management of the health crisis, the continuationof SWP negotiations,and the signing of agreementssuch as the UES agreement on the right of expression. With regard to professional gender equality, for the second consecutiveyear, the companiesof the Groupamagroup published the equal pay index resulting from the law for the freedom to choose one’s professional future of 5 September 2018. Its 22 companieswith more than 50 employeesobtainedequal pay for women and men indexes between80/100 and 99/100,most of them up from the previous year. These results demonstrate the continuedmobilisationof the Group’s companiesfor many years in

15 Universal Registration Document 2020 - GROUPAMA ASSURANCES MUTUELLES

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