DERICHEBOURG - Universal registration document 2019-2020


CSR report (serving as statement of extra-financial performance) Being a committed employer

since 2019, around 100 production operators in the Recycling p division have received technical training on the handling, servicing and maintenanceof worksite machinery. This training, provided by Liebherr, is designed to improve user safety and efficiency, optimize performanceand reduce tool maintenanceand operatingcosts.

248,100 number of training hours



Number of training hours



Average number of training hours per person per year



Therewas an increaseof 26% in the numberof traininghours, partly related to remote trainingcompletedduring lockdown.

Thus, all the Social and Economic Committees (SECs) voted firstly in favor of the furlough scheme, and secondly in favor of the Business Recovery Plan (PRA) when the first lockdown was eased. It was also necessary to adapt to rapidly changing situationsduring this crisis. The SECs for the Multiservicesdivision subsidiarieswere able to meet more frequently, together with the Health, Safety and Working Conditions Committee, which was automatically brought in prior to each SEC consultation to provide its expertise in the areas falling within its specialist fields. Thus, some subsidiaries, including Derichebourg Propreté, organized no less than 30 meetings of employee representativebodies betweenJanuaryand end September 2020. As an example,the social partnerstook a particularlook at: the operationalimplementationof the nationalhealthprotocol; p the implementationof homeworking; p the use of a partner (the Psychological Support and Resources p Institute– IAPR) for employeepsychologicalsupport; thinkingabout and developingtrainingmodules linked to the health p crisis. In addition to stepping up social dialog, the Company has also been able to maintain frequent employee negotiations despite operational constraints. 70 agreements were entered into (34 of which are regulatory) on the following topics: compensation,social dialog, work structure,health and safety and diversity. Given its effective presence on the “second line” throughout the health crisis, Derichebourg Multiservices, and specifically certain subsidiaries, were faced with employee action related to working conditions, the creation of a “13 th month” bonus, and the implementation of the so-called “Macron” bonus on purchasing power. These local movements had limited impact on the structure. The sector crisis affecting the aeronautics sector of the Multiservices divisionhas also led to industrialaction.

Ensuring respect foremployees' rights The Company wants to ensure that its employees are fairly rewarded and that their rights are respected. The Group is engaged in a continuous improvement process in order to ensure good pay and provide guarantees in the drafting of employmentcontracts. The main focus of this process is the professionalizationof the teams. A Shared Service Center (SSC) allows optimum payroll processing by teams of experts. The Group has opted to modernize its human resources strategy by deployingthe “HR Facility”solutionto simplify the everydaylife of each employee via several tools: the FORYOU employee portal enables the employee file to be p updatedand his/her requestsmanaged; the dematerialization of pay slips through MyPeopleDoc and the p implementationof a digital safe; the electronicsignatureof contractualHR documents. p The gradual takeover of human resources processes by dedicated softwareor platforms(for recruitment,payslips,personnelfiles etc.) is a time and productivitysaver and will improvecommunication. The dematerializationof HR documents (payslips, HR letters, briefing notes, etc.) for employees,in secure digital safes that are free of charge and available“for life”, makes informationeasier and more reliable. Labor relations DerichebourgGroup endeavors to maintaina high-qualitysocial dialog with its social partners; this is an essential factor for the smooth runningof the Company. In this unprecedentedhealth context, it was particularly important to integratesocial consultationprocedureson the Company'sreactions to the crisis. Indeed, and in accordance with government directives and the Ministry of Labor's administrative documentation, the social partners have been regularly and systematically involved in every companydecision.

DERICHEBOURG p 2019/2020 Universal Registration Document 36

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