DERICHEBOURG - Universal registration document 2019-2020


CSR report (serving as statement of extra-financial performance) Being a committed employer

Several actions are conducted simultaneously to find candidates able to fill vacant positionswithin teams: promoteinternalmobility; p conduct functionweightingand remunerationbenchmarkingacross p all key positionsin order to be more alignedwith the market; recruit junior profiles, apprentices or professionalizationcontracts, p supportedby internal tutors; recruit people that are changingcareers; p continue the “young talents” operation to integrate young p masters-levelgraduates,with the aim of training them for operating managerpositions; communicatewith schools to raise awareness. p The outcomeof these various actions was an average recruitmenttime of 39 days (scope France), comparedwith a target of 90 days. Supportingskills development Careersare one of the Group’s strategicdirections,and are an essential factor to retain, satisfy, and developemployeeskills. Thus, the Group is committed to consolidating the implementation of a skills-based human resourcesmanagementthroughits HR policy: promote career developmentthat respects the individual and that is p open to the diversityof career paths; meet employee desires for career development; p retain employees by offering additional career development p prospects; support the Company's modernization by allowing skills mobility p when required. The aim is to lay down a Career Path and EmploymentManagement (GEPP) policy that takes account of occupational changes and the growthof organizationsin order to: matchemployees’skills with the needs of the Company; p enhancethe efficiencyof organizations; p plan ahead to meet future needs; p guide trainingpolicy; p identifypotentialemployeedevelopment. p Internal mobility is an essential way of meeting the career focus. Therefore, an internal mobility charter has been signed by the General Managementfor DerichebourgMultiservices. An employmentSite is accessibleto all employeesto allow each one to apply for open positionswithin the Group. This career management policy will become even more tangible with the implementation of the internal training school Derichebourg Academy. The Academy aims to be comprehensive through different components: the work-study scheme is an essential employment driver and p constitutes a recruitment pool for tomorrow's employees. The work-studyrecruitmentpolicy covers all diploma classificationsfrom

the CAP to the Master’s. During the 2019-2020 fiscal year, Derichebourg Propreté had 134 professionalizationcontracts and 81 apprenticeshipcontractsunderway.To expand our approach,we want to structure it through classes to improve professionalization and maximizeintegrationwithin the Group; businesstrainingpaths; p the on-demand training offering via the “Derichebourg Passport” p trainingprogramcomprisingall trainingavailablefor all employees; the networkof internal trainers; p career management (mobility, individual career paths, p coaching, etc.); Derichebourg Aeronautics Training France, a subsidiary dedicated p to businesstraining; As part of its ongoing management of jobs and career paths, the Company sets up performanceappraisals beyond the legal obligations for managers, supervisors and technicians. A talent review every two years makes it possible to identify potential candidates and to support them through individual training courses in order to offer them developmentopportunities. These interviewsenableemployeesto benefit from individualsupport. The French entities conducted 58% of annual interviews during this fiscal year. This rate is higher than last year, which was marked by the launch of this approach by the Environment division. 88% of employeesappraisedmet positionexpectations. The Group is particularlycommittedto an employeeprofessionalization and certificationapproach.For several years, Derichebourg Propreté has been offering its employees the p opportunityto pursueCertificatesof ProfessionalQualification(CPQ) that are specific to the cleaningbusinessesand to managementwith a view to obtaining an accreditation. During the 2019-2020 fiscal year, 101 people on permanent contracts or professionalization contracts have obtained or are in the process of obtaining a CPQ within this subsidiary; professionalizationat DerichebourgAeronauticsServices is based on p three areas both for employeesand future employees: work-study: apprentices or people with professionalization ● contractsare supportedby experienced,trained tutors, professionalizationof managers: via inter-division professional ● skills certification – CCPI (Management of team activities and cohesionand managementof team relations), the professionalizationof the technical changes in occupations ● throughover 85 technicalmodules; the Recycling division continues its CPQ policy by encouraging p volunteer employees to take specific diplomas recognizedby one or several professional divisions. Holding a CPQ enables the employee to prove that he/she has the knowledge, know-how and ability to carry out a specific occupation. Over the fiscal year, 28 employees signed up for the “Team leader” and “Industrial maintenance operator”CPQs; conferencecycles; p integrationpaths. p

DERICHEBOURG p 2019/2020 Universal Registration Document 35

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