DERICHEBOURG - Universal registration document 2019-2020


CSR report (serving as statement of extra-financial performance) Being a committed employer

Environmental Services

Business Services


2022 targets







Lost-time accident frequency rate (1) Lost-time accident severity rate (2) Number of safety training hours















N/A 49,145 58,716 The frequency rate is the number of accidents with lost time in excess of one day, divided by the number of hours worked, multiplied by 1,000,000. (1) The severity rate represents the number of days lost through workplace accidents, divided by the number of hours worked, multiplied by 1,000. (2) 26,940 29,372 31,776 78,517

The work-related accidents accounted for in the frequency rate are those that were notified by the competent administrationduring the period. Overall,we note a 20% improvementin the frequencyrate and an 8% improvementin the severity rate. In terms of frequencyrate and

severity rate, the results of the two main activities in terms of headcount (Recycling and Cleaning) are better than those of their


The divisionfrequencyand severity rates (2018 statistics)for the main activitiesare presentedin the table below:

NAF (principal company activity) code

Frequency rate

Severity rate

8121Z Routine building cleaning (CTN I) 3832Z Recovery of sorted waste (CTN C)

32.4 50.3

3.1 3.4

Data from the CNAM (Caisse nationale d'assurance maladie)/DRP. Accident rate AT 2018.

The frequencyrate of the Multiservicesdivision is down this year due to the removalof non-lost time accidentsfor the Portuguesesubsidiary. The health crisis has also caused a drop in business activity, particularly in the aeronautics sector, which has therefore reduced the number of workplaceaccidents. The Environment division's result is better in terms of frequency rate, with a fall of 20%, notably through the improvement in rates for the Public Sector Services business (FR = 41.3 compared with 69.0 in 2018-2019), although this is still high. The severity rate has deterioratedslightly. In order to ensure that we can control business accidents by people outside the Derichebourg Group, the frequency rate of temporary workers has been monitored since this year. This figure is 32.1 with 40 workplaceaccidentsover the period. The Recyclingbusinesshas the highest frequencyrate. Another priority for the Group is to control the risks of working together. The e-learning tool for prevention plan training developed in-house will be operational before the end of 2020. The first training sessionswill take place in the first quarterof 2021. The number of occupationalillnesses recognisedby the Caisse primaire d'assurancemaladie (CPAM) over the period from October 1, 2019 to September 30,2020 within the Group's scope is 61 comparedto 95 in 2019. This decline is particularlymarked by the significant drop in the Cleaningbusiness,which fell by 30%. The number of days of absence due to workplace accidents and occupational diseases was 97,787 over the period (down 1% comparedto the previousperiod).

Developing employment and skills 1.4.2 The constant search for operational excellence is the key to success. It enables the convergence of all initiatives and strengths towards customersatisfaction. The Group is faced both with a lack of profiles in several occupations and the need to retain talented employees by offering mobility and career development prospects within the Group. Career and skills managementis, therefore,an essential factor in conductingour human resourcespolicy. Recruitment Recruitment provides the first contact between the Company and future employees. It is also a strategic process that enables the Company to assert its ambition and grow through the quality of the womenand men within it. Recruitment difficulties that may be due to tight labor market conditions or specific to the highly technical nature of the positions related to the Group’sactivitieshave been identified. The recruitment process has been adapted to be more efficient, traceable and objective. A recruitment site has been deployed for all Multiservices subsidiaries. The tool makes it possible to share profiles and manage a pool of internal and external job applicants in a more efficient way. Partnershipshave been establishedwith schools, notably with the Institute of Social Management (IGS), for the creation of special training in HR and Audencia (for the training of future local managers).

DERICHEBOURG p 2019/2020 Universal Registration Document 34

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