Airbus // Universal Registration Document 2023

1. Information on the Company’s Activities 1.2 Non-Financial Information

This includes respecting the rights of employees to exercise lawful rights of free association, including joining or not joining any association of their choice within the appropriate national or local legal framework, without fear of reprisal, intimidation, interference or harassment. Where employees are represented by a legally recognised union, the Company is committed to establishing constructive dialogue with their freely chosen representatives, with whom the Company is committed to bargaining in good faith. The head of each business is responsible for ensuring compliance with these principles. The provisions of the IFA define the Company’s standards to be applied wherever the Company operates provided they are not in contravention of local law, insofar as more favourable conditions do not exist already. Dedicated processes ensure that the provisions of this agreement are not breached wherever the Company operates. The Company has a long tradition of making employee relations and social dialogue a priority and, therefore, their continuous evolution and improvement are embedded in the Company’s Human Resources strategy, supporting the Company’s business challenges and the sustainability roadmap. It includes discussions about the identification and mitigation of risks inherent to the Company’s activities and those of its suppliers with regards to human rights, environment and health & safety. In cases of restructuring, the Company strives to limit as much as possible the negative impacts on its workforce and considers employment as a priority. As an illustration, the last restructuring plan implying significant workforce reduction was completed in 2021: the COVID-19 adaptation plan resulted in the signature of various collective agreements by the main unions and provided for a range of social measures including trainings, internal mobilities, working time adaptations, voluntary departure schemes, early retirement and the opportunity to pursue personal or professional opportunities outside of the Company, such as business creation as well as dedicated partial unemployment schemes. Regular social dialogue is ensured at global, European and local levels, in line with ILO requirements and local legislation, in addition to Company agreements such as the Company’s European SE-WC agreement, updated in 2018. Sites outside Europe are also covered by the Company’s IFA, framing the social dialogue and social culture taking into consideration the local labour legislation, culture and practices of respective countries. In line with the Company’s global social dialogue strategy, discussions with social partners take place at local or European level as well as at global level thanks to the Airbus Global Forum (“ AGF ”), reflecting the Company’s engagement for a responsible social dialogue. AGF seat allocation for employee representatives is based upon Company’s headcount distribution across the globe and conditional to existing legal employee representation as per applicable regulations and practices in the relevant countries. In addition, the Company is an active member of the Global Deal for Decent Work and Inclusive Growth initiative (“ Global Deal ”) that was developed in cooperation with the ILO and OECD. The Global Deal is a multi-stakeholder partnership

between governments, business and employers’ organisations, trade unions, civil society and other organisations that seeks to make economic growth work for all against a backdrop of rapid changes in the world of work. Furthermore, the Company has regular discussions with some national and international trade union federations. III. Risk Management Employee relations are part of the Company’s risk management process and related risks are reviewed internally on a quarterly basis. During 2023, employee relations teams continued to focus on ensuring legal compliance regarding national labour laws and investing in training the Company’s HR professionals about labour law. The Company’s approach to risk management is also reinforced by the OpenLine reporting system, which allows employees to report concerns anonymously (where legally permitted). See “– 1.2.14 Business Integrity”. IV. Implementation / activities During 2023, the Company continued activities aimed at strengthening collaborative and partnership approaches with unions in various countries. The main focus has been on preserving global social dialogue, supporting major employee representatives elections, addressing Company transformation projects as well as informing and consulting about employment, working conditions and sustainability. Preserving a global social dialogue In Europe, five European committees have taken place at Company level in 2023, including discussions about the Company’s strategy and operations, as well as the Divisions’ activities and sustainability. At the Airbus Helicopters Division, four European committees took place. The main topics discussed were the follow up of the Division’s performance and strategy, the industrial strategy, the supply chain, key programmes’ situation and more globally the Division’s transformation, focusing in particular on digitalisation, leadership and its environmental roadmap. At the Airbus Defence and Space Division, five European committees took place. The main topics were the Division’s strategy and performance with a focus on sustainable transformation, including the new Target Operating Model (see hereafter), which went live on the 1 st of January 2024. During 2023, the social dialogue continued in the regions based on local exchanges between the management team and employee representatives. For example, in the context of fostering social dialogue in APAC, countries such as South Korea and Thailand have established welfare committees dedicated to the advancement of mutual interests of both labour and management through collaborative efforts. Taiwan on the other hand has appointed employee representatives to facilitate social dialogue between labour and management. Meanwhile in Malaysia, an equally valuable though less formal approach was taken, providing opportunities for dialogue and engagement between employees and management. These diverse mechanisms, whether formal or informal, play a vital role in nurturing a constructive atmosphere for meaningful discussions.

118 Airbus Annual Report

Universal Registration Document 2023

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