Airbus // Universal Registration Document 2023

1. Information on the Company’s Activities

1.2 Non-Financial Information


V. Outlook – –In 2024, the Company will pursue its I&D ambition, aiming at embedding I&D in everything it does. Priorities for 2024 include continuing the Company’s focus on gender parity, while simultaneously strengthening focus on other aspects of the I&D strategy such as disability, nationality and cognitive diversity. Upcoming actions on I&D include: – –eliminating systemic barriers during talent recruitment, development and management; – –further maintain focus on reaching targets for external recruitment of women; – – extending leadership development programmes to include a focus on I&D and in particular on gender diversity; – – increasing awareness and training on inclusive leadership and collaboration at individual and team level; – –leveraging and reinforcing business ownership and accountability through the Company’s network of diversity champions; – –continued support to encourage STEM studies for young women in schools and universities through mentorship, tutorship, directly or through the associations sponsored by the Company.

Highlighting that being unique is valued and that difference is welcome, the Company ran an awareness campaign during 2023 to promote awareness of the importance of removing stigma associated with disabilities. During 2023, the Company continued to engage in various social diversity programmes in partnership with a number of different associations to promote quality education and mentorship for young people from underprivileged areas. For example, the Company participated in the French government’s initiative “ La France, une chance. Les entreprises s’engagent! ” to encourage companies to help everyone find their place in society by taking actions such as recruiting from underprivileged areas, promoting education learning and committing to responsible purchasing (inclusive supply chain). To this end, a forum dedicated to inclusive supply chains in particular for the disability dimension was organised. In the United States, “Flight Path 9”, an apprenticeship programme, supports induction of young talent from underrepresented communities in production. The Company’s social diversity programmes and community impact strategy (see “– 1.2.16 Community Impact”) are closely connected, with a focus on equity and inclusion.

1.2.12 Social Dialogue

I. Introduction In 2023, the Company continued its numerous discussions, consultations and negotiations with its social partners, sometimes on a daily basis in order to discuss Company transformation projects, the evolution of Company agreements, measures to support production ramp-up, or cope with the evolution of the economic environment.

These various transformations were carried out in line with the common principles and standards of the ILO convention, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the principles laid down by the UN Global Compact. Employee relations are underpinned by the Company commitments made in the Company’s Code of Conduct and the Airbus International Framework Agreement, signed in 2005.

Social dialogue





402 Labor/Management Relations

8, 16, 17

Highest governance body(ies) involved Related corporate reference documents Company’s commitments to take into account external standards / frameworks

Executive Committee

Airbus Code of Conduct, International Framework Agreement, SE-WC agreement (updated 2018)

ILO’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and its Core Labour Standards, OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises

Key metrics



Number of meetings with SE-WC (agreement says 4 per year)



% workforce covered by collective bargaining agreements

ca. 80% ca. 80%

Code of Conduct , Airbus International Framework Agreement , ILO’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights , OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises , the Global Deal Initiative

Additional resources

II. Governance In the International Framework Agreement (“ IFA ”), the Company reaffirms it strives to respect the regulation regarding fundamental human rights, equal opportunities, free choice of employment, as well as prohibition of child labour and respect and ensuring the conditions for social dialogue.

The Company intends, via its agreements, to respect the disposition of the following ILO conventions: numbers 111 (discrimination – employee and occupation), 100 (equal remuneration), 135 (workers’ representatives), 29 (forced labour), 105 (abolition of forced labour), 182 (child labour), 138 (minimum age), 87 (freedom of association and protection of the right to organise) and 98 (right to organise and collective bargaining).

117 Airbus Annual Report

Universal Registration Document 2023

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