Airbus // Universal Registration Document 2023

1. Information on the Company’s Activities

1.2 Non-Financial Information


Training sessions about social dialogue have taken place for the HR community, explaining why social dialogue is important for the Company and how it is structured, while also including updates about employment law. Supporting employee representative elections The Company continued to support the organisation of employee representative elections. In France, employee representative elections took place in 2023. Simplification of the voting process, a communication campaign and training of managers on the importance of social dialogue have all contributed to an increased participation rate (77.85% vs. 72.09% in 2019). Also in Spain, employee representative elections took place. Employees have participated in the election of those who will represent them in the negotiations of the Collective Bargaining Agreement for the next four years (2024-2027). Supporting Company transformation Numerous discussions with the Company’s social partners have taken place to support the new Target Operating Model at Airbus Defence and Space (ATOM), resulting in three new Business Lines with end-to-end responsibility: AirPower, Space Systems, Connected Intelligence and the newly created COO organisation. Also discussions have taken place at European and national level to explain the new governance and roles of the management team at Company level and in the commercial aircraft business. In Spain, the discussions about the consolidation of the industrial activities and the maintenance of workload in the Centro Bahía de Cádiz (CBC) work centre were continued and concluded successfully on 1 st of July 2023. The agreement is planned to be implemented during 2024 and 2025. Supporting employees In 2023, the Company carried out constructive dialogue with its social partners to negotiate salary increase policies where relevant with its employee representatives committees or in the frame of collective bargaining negotiations. I. Introduction The Company’s employees draw on each other’s expertise and experience and put all their passion and determination to pioneering sustainable aerospace. Human Resources is at the heart of the Company. The current priorities of the Company’s HR function within its People Strategy are: – – engaging, inclusive and high performing leadership; – – skilled workforce and an agile learning organisation; – – inclusive workplace and simplified ways of working; Workforce As of 31 December 2023, the Company’s active workforce amounted to 147,893 employees (compared to 134,267 employees in 2022), 96.1% of which consisted of full-time employees. These statistics take into account consolidation effects and perimeter changes throughout 2023. Depending on country and hierarchy level, the average contractual working time is between 35 and 40 hours per week. 1.2.13 People

Furthermore, the Company continued to prepare for the future of employment and working conditions together with social partners: In Spain, the Company continued with the social dialogue in order to carry out the commitments included in the VI CBA, (Spanish Collective Bargaining Agreement). An extraordinary salary review was also negotiated in 2023 as well as an “Equality Plan” in order to achieve equal treatment and opportunities for both women and men and to eliminate any kind of discrimination. In France, the Company continued the major transformation project called Reload which started in 2021, aiming at simplifying, modernising and harmonising Company agreements related to compensation, benefits, grading, working time duration, health, safety and working conditions to make them more readable for its employees and adapted to the Company’s challenges. Agreements about employee saving plans, gender equal opportunity, employment and career development were concluded in 2023. In Germany, social dialogue mainly focussed on supporting the ramp-up activities, the harmonisation of remuneration for middle managers and the renewal of collective agreements regarding workforce flexibility. In the UK, the ballot on pay negotiations, including two different employee groups, was successful. V. Outlook In 2024, the Company aims to continue its dialogue with social partners, sharing its strategy, its organisational changes and preparing for its evolving ways of working, as was done in 2023. Other key areas will be the continued ramp-up of its activities and the transformation projects which will be essential to the Company’s future success. Furthermore, it aims to further drive international social dialogue between the Company’s top leaders and its employee representatives from the Company’s home countries and regions through the organisation of the 4 th Airbus Global Forum. 2022 and 2023 confirmed the strong aerospace industry recovery, enabling the Company to accomplish its recruitment plan with a particular focus on new skills, diversity and generational renewal. As part of this, the Company has expanded its programme to welcome university graduates from all around the world, the Airbus Global Graduate Programme. The Company’s workforce is 88.6% based in Europe, across more than 100 sites. Concerning the nationality of its employees, 34.6% are from France, 31.1% from Germany, 6.9% from the UK and 10.5% from Spain. The evolution of the Company’s global presence is seen in the increase of the workforce located outside the Company’s home countries (20,815 vs. 18,374 in 2022) and the increase of nationals from outside the Company’s home country nationals (17.0% vs. 16.2% in 2022), coming from 150 other countries ( vs. 143 in 2022).

119 Airbus Annual Report

Universal Registration Document 2023

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