Airbus // Universal Registration Document 2023

1. Information on the Company’s Activities 1.2 Non-Financial Information

In line with the Company’s values, a comprehensive I&D strategy drives the Company’s approach to embedding I&D focusing on intergenerational, ethnic, social and cultural diversity as well as gender equality, LGBTQ+, neurodiversity and disability-friendly policies and hiring practices. The I&D strategy aims to ensure that the Company: – –creates a safe environment and inclusive culture where collaboration, empowerment, continuous learning and accountability are promoted and valued. The Company has zero tolerance for harassment or discrimination of any kind; – – attracts, recruits, develops and retains a large and diverse pool of talents. This talent is a reflection of the Company’s customer and supplier base as well as the communities around; – – develops a thriving work environment supported by its values system, leadership model as well as a Code of Conduct understood and lived by all; – – is committed to have a positive long-term sustainable impact not only in the aviation sector but also in the communities the Company works in by being signatories to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). II. Governance The I&D team is part of the “DEVELOP Centre of Expertise” within the Human Resources function and represents the Company with regional I&D focal points supporting the implementation of the I&D strategy globally. An I&D Advisory Board, chaired by the Chief Human Resource Officer with representatives from the Executive Committee and other divisional and regional executives, meets quarterly and provides top level oversight and input into the I&D strategy, as well as reviews risks or issues raised, providing support on new initiatives, processes or changes to policy and makes appropriate recommendations to the Executive Committee. In addition, local I&D Steering Committees, championed by “Level IV” leaders and executives in the regions, provide additional support to embed and advance the I&D strategy locally and provide valuable input to the I&D team and advisory board. The Steering Committees are supported by a network of diversity business champions embedded in the business, who advocate for an inclusive working environment. III. Risk Management Any identified risks related to I&D are recorded in the Company’s ERM and appropriate action plans agreed. Progress is reviewed quarterly. In addition, any alerts related to I&D raised via the Company’s SpeakUp culture, including its OpenLine reporting system, are investigated in accordance with the Company’s investigation process. The Company supports various national and international initiatives such as International Women’s Day, and since 2018 the Company has committed to the UN Women’s Empowerment Principles aimed at empowering women to participate fully in economic life. The Company has also led the “Women in Aviation and Aerospace Charter” and has been instrumental in the development of the “Women in Defence Charter” which demonstrates the commitment of a growing number of organisations across the industry to build a more balanced and fairer industry for women. IV. Implementation / activities Gender diversity

In order to actively follow the four sustainability commitments, dedicated training courses on I&D related matters are permanently available to all employees and promoted within the learning catalogue. With a special focus on leaders, the Company launched a “Management Basics & Leadership Foundations Programme” in 2020 to ensure that inclusive leadership becomes the norm at all levels. In 2023, the MyWay Women leadership programme, dedicated to women leaders of tomorrow, registered 100 women, maintaining the numbers as the previous year. To date, this programme has trained over 320 women, including the current cohort. The Company’s leadership development programme participation is balanced in terms of gender representation. Further dedicated role model sessions called Women@Airbus, digital recruitment events to encourage more women to apply to the Company, have been carried out online with over 500 women participating. During 2023, the Company disclosed its gender pay gap as required by both French and UK legislation, and continues to put measures in place to ensure gender pay parity worldwide. Gender diversity in senior management – executives The Company strives to accelerate female representation in leadership roles. Accordingly, it has set targets for gender diversity in Executives management positions, associated with a dedicated action plan. It includes slots in dedicated leadership programmes, aimed at development of leaders selected from across various geographies and functions. In 2023, performance stood at 20% against a 20% target, which is a 4p.p. increase year-on-year. The company is committed to pursuing efforts, focusing on leadership programmes, mentorship, sponsorship, targeted recruitment and strengthening promotions pipeline to enhance female representation on executives positions. Other diversity dimensions The Company is also accelerating change through its employee led Employee Resource Group “Balance for Business” network, which has around 10,000 volunteer members worldwide. Initiatives run through this network include roadshows promoting employee-led initiatives such as peer-to-peer mentoring, confidence building and encouraging employees to challenge stereotypes and build their careers. The network also supports some outreach initiatives. Other employee-led networks such as WIN Together, the Airbus Africa Network, Full Spectrum (Racial diversity and inclusion), SOMOS (LatinX America), Pride@Airbus (LGBTQ+), Generation-A (Millennials), Seniors Talent and (Dis)Ability ambassadors networks are key to raising awareness of I&D, promoting inclusion, equal rights and increasing visibility. Initiatives include mentoring, leadership development of under-represented groups as well as conferences and discussions open to all employees. The annual Ability Weeks campaign aims to raise awareness on disability across the Company worldwide. This includes a series of workshops and awareness sessions on topics such as: digital accessibility, workplace adaptation and mental health care. During the 2023’s campaign, more than 3,380 employees participated in live workshops, and over 30 events were organised worldwide. These events are also an opportunity for the Company to share some of the initiatives set up internally, such as Airbus Humanity Lab showcasing prosthetic blades made from recycled carbon from a production line.

116 Airbus Annual Report

Universal Registration Document 2023

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