Aéroports de Paris - 2019 Universal registration document
For more information, see chapter
Risk identification
Risk policies and management
Risks related to labour- management relations climate and dialogue
Achievement of the group’s objectives may be affected by a deterioration in the labour-management relations climate, such as difficulties implementing the group’s transformation, blocked labour- management dialogue and social movements. The safety of people is a priority for the group. It concerns its employees, including expatriates and employees seconded abroad, as well as subcontractors.
The setting up of the Social and Economic Committee on 1 January 2020 for renewed labour-management dialogue with: ® two unanimous agreements on 9 September 2019: implementation of the Social and Economic Committee and trade union rights; ® professional elections on 14 and 19 November 2019. The continuation of the multi-year prevention action plan and very positive results: ® frequency rate for Aéroports de Paris SA = 12.88 (14.62 in 2018). Monitoring of the corporate climate and dialogue with managers, with the Great Place to Work 2019 Barometer: ® participation rate: 56.1% (+5 points compared to 2017); ® positive responses to the overall perception question: 58% (+4 points). Productive labour-management dialogue: ® signature of 14 collective agreements.
Providing the Group and its employees with the means for their development
Risks related to workplace health and safety
Engagement frameworks Groupe ADP identified contributions to 11 sustainable development goals (SDG) in 2018, which form part of the goals adopted by the UN in 2015 to achieve a better and more sustainable future by 2030:
Measurement and ongoing improvement of CSR performance: ratings and benchmarks Groupe ADP exercises its corporate social responsibility to its stakeholders through a policy based on reducing the environmental impacts of its operations and creating positive outcomes based on economic and social cooperation programmes with local communities, and on developing the Company’s collective efficiency and social responsibility. CSR performance has been assessed by an extra-financial rating agency since 2005 for Aéroports de Paris and since 2014 for the main wholly-owned subsidiaries. In 2018, EthiFinance performed the rating of Aéroports de Paris and its subsidiaries, ADP Ingénierie, ADP International and Hub One, in relation to corporate governance, business ethics, the environment, community involvement, human resources, customers and purchases. The Group’s rating increased by four points between 2016 and 2018, to 86 out of 100, corresponding to EthiFinance’s “excellent” level. The scores of Aéroports de Paris and each of its subsidiaries are up. For the parent company, all areas are rated as “excellent”, demonstrating the extent of the commitments, the successful implementation of the actions and advanced performance. Improvement points from this evaluation feed the improvement plans managed by each entity and are coordinated by the Environment, CSR and Regions Division. For Aéroports de Paris’ main subsidiaries, each of which is showing strong progress, the detailed results can be found in the corporate social responsibility information published on the website. Aéroports de Paris is included in a number of socially responsible investment indexes, including the Dow Jones Sustainability Index World and Europe and in 2019 received a rating of 67/100 from the latter (compared with an average of 36 for the transport and transport infrastructure sector). Aéroports de Paris is also included in indexes such as the ISR Euronext Vigeo Eiris Europe 120 and Eurozone 120 (since 2012), FTSE4GOOD (since 2015), MSCI (since 2012), Ethibel (since 2009) and Oekom Prime (since 2014). In 2019, Aéroports de Paris scored C (from A to D) in the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) ratings.
◆ Quality Education (SDG 4); ◆ Gender Equality (SDG 5);
◆ Clean Water and Sanitation (SDG 6); ◆ Affordable and Clean Energy (SDG 7);
◆ Decent Work and Economic Growth (SDG 8); ◆ Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure (SDG 9); ◆ Sustainable Cities and Communities (SDG 11); ◆ Responsible Consumption and Production (SDG 12); ◆ Climate Action (SDG 13); ◆ Preservation and restoration of land ecosystems (SDG 15); ◆ Partnerships for the goals (SDG 17). The Aéroports de Paris reporting methodology and the information published in the annual CSR Information document are compliant with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G4 core framework. Moreover, sustainable development activities are reported to stakeholders in accordance with GRI guidelines. Stakeholder dialogue across all domains The group’s corporate social responsibility strategy is enhanced by listening to stakeholders and promoting stakeholder dialogue and involvement. Regular dialogue provides a better understanding of any changes and challenges so that they can be incorporated in the CSR approach. Stakeholder mapping is regularly reviewed. The table below shows a breakdown of proposed collective and individual dialogue methods, which are also subject to regular reviews. Preliminary work to form a Stakeholder Committee began in 2018 and continued into 2019.
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