AFD - Universal Registration Document 2020


2.8.4 Promotion of professional equality and diversity Promotion of professional gender equality Professional gender equality is a major priority in the AFD Group’s HR policy, which aims to promote diversity and equal opportunities. It is anchored in the Group’s values and is an integral part of its corporate social responsibility approach. Negotiations on a new “Professional Equality” agreement with the social partners were completed at the end of 2020. This agreement reflects the commitment of AFD’s management and its elected officials to continue the actions to promote professional equality initiated several years ago and reaffirms their commitment to respect the principle of non-discrimination and equal opportunities for women and men. Guaranteeing professional equality, developing diversity in jobs at all levels and in different functions, and promoting gender parity represent a source of progress and overall performance, both economically and socially. This approach is consistent with that initiated by the Group in terms of its operations by making the theme of gender a lever for achieving the SDGs. The new agreement identifies the following professional equality priorities for the Group: P access to employment; P promotion and professional development; P equal pay; P work organisation, work-life balance; P training and awareness-raising on professional equality; P action in the fight against domestic violence. The agreement is applicable from 2021 to 2023 and includes employees working in French overseas departments. AFD is increasing its targets for the recruitment of women engineers and for the promotion of women to senior and expatriate positions. In addition to maintaining previous commitments, AFD is innovating by extending the length of paternity leave with salary maintenance, setting up a support system for caregivers and combating domestic violence. Onboarding training without discrimination becomes mandatory for managers. Main actions in 2020 In addition to maintaining the actions of previous years: P recruitment: establishment of a partnership with an engineering school (EPF) to encourage the hiring of women engineers; P professional pathways: P implementation of a pilot business line for non-managerial positions within the accounting department, P promotion of female career pathways in management and expatriate positions in internal communications; P raising awareness of and combating sexism: P promotion of e-learning course on “Professional equality”, P organisation of a conference on gender, virility and self- confidence,

P participation in an internal event on domestic violence, P awareness-raising for the panels interviewed during the AFNOR audit on professional equality and sexism. Lastly, AFD published its gender equality index at 1 Ǿ March 2020 in accordance with the law on the freedom to choose a professional future (2018). This index stood at 91 Ǿ points out of 100. Promoting diversity within teams The issue of diversity is at the heart of the AFD Group’s action and HR policy, with 85 agencies and offices around the world. The teams of women and men on the ground are diverse, plural, multicultural and multi-generational. AFD has undertaken a structuring approach to promote diversity and inclusion since 2019. This approach aimed to i) launch a first level of awareness-raising on what diversity is and what its challenges are for AFD: conference, video, creation of an intranet page dedicated to the theme, e-learning; ii) open an external listening unit for suspected cases of discrimination for head office and network employees; iii) define AFD’s diversity policy and an associated action plan to be rolled out over the coming years via an original approach of co-construction of this policy by and for AFD’s employees. In 2020, this approach was continued and saw the adoption and launch of AFD’s diversity and inclusion policy. It also resulted in the following actions: raising the awareness of the Executive Committee and the Management Committee on the challenges of diversity and inclusion as a lever of AFD’s strategy; the first assessment of the external listening unit (11 referrals); and finally the construction of an inclusion barometer, which is scheduled for dissemination in 2021. AFD is committed, through its application for the dual AFNOR “Alliance for diversity and professional equality” label, to continue its action to promote diversity and inclusion over the coming years. 2.8.5 Quality of employee working conditions and safety AFD Group strives to ensure high-quality working conditions and the safety of persons. In 2020, in response to the Covid-19 crisis, the Group had to make changes to its operations at an unprecedented scale and pace, requiring significant support for the prevention of potential risks, notably related to the widespread use of teleworking, but also generating learning opportunities and opportunities linked to new ways of doing things. Security of Group employees The security of AFD Group’s property and people is based on several internal policies and texts, including a Group Security Policy (PSEC) and an Agency Security Policy (PSAG). These documents are brought to the attention of all Group employees. Furthermore, the Group has deployed an international security management system that is regularly audited by the AFD General Inspection Department.



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