AFD - Universal Registration Document 2020


Lastly, as the terms of office of employee representatives expire on 17 Ǿ May 2021, new professional elections will be held shortly. Created in 2017, the committee representing AFD employees in foreign countries (CREE) brings together personnel representatives working in AFD or Proparco agencies/offices abroad, whether employees governed by local law (permanent or temporary contract) or service providers (in countries where social legislation does not allow direct employment by the Agency). Its creation is consistent with AFD’s corporate social responsibility commitments. The first elections were held in February Ǿ 2018, and the committee met for the first time in March Ǿ 2018 at the AFD head office in Paris, and then in June Ǿ 2019. Given the exceptional circumstances caused by the Covid-19 health crisis, the 2020 edition of the Committee of Staff Representatives of Foreign States has been postponed until 2021. An intermediate discussion with the Committee’s spokespersonswasneverthelessheldremotely inmid-December. In addition, the terms of office of CREE representatives expire on 26 Ǿ February 2021. As the health context is clearly not suited to the implementation of a ballot for professional elections in the Agency, the Human Resources Department has mandated a specialised and approved company, the company Neovote, to entrust it with the implementation of this electronic vote, to guarantee the security of electoral operations but also the confidentiality of the vote. These elections should take place in late March or early April.

As such, employee representation is now organised as follows: P a head office Social and Economic Committee and five local Social and Economic Committees for the French Overseas Departments collectively represent employees for all matters related to the company’s management, economic and financial development, organisation and working conditions, vocational training and social protection. Moreover, they organise social and cultural activities established within the company. The Social and Economic Committees also work to ensure the protection and safety of employees, to improve working conditions, and to gather and present to the company all individual and collective employee claims on the application of laws and by-laws; P a Central Social and Economic Committee holds twice-yearly ordinary session meetings that bring together representatives from the six committees and handles strategic, financial and economic initiatives that affect all employees governed by French law. It may also be required to handle matters related to health, safety and working conditions at the central level; P a Group committee meets annually, bringing together employee representatives of AFD and its subsidiaries. It should be noted that a new operating agreement is currently being negotiated. Its signature may result in the amendment of some of the aforementioned provisions.


❙ A review of collective agreements (and notifications of disapprovals) signed in 2020:

03/01/2020 Agreement on Quality of Life at Work 03/01/2020 Agreement on teleworking at AFD 06/05/2020 Notification of disapproval Negotiation on remuneration, working hours, and the sharing of added value

Labour negotiations with the representative trade unions during the year were mainly related to the revision of salaries (NAO - Mandatory Annual Negotiations), professional equality, and the functioning of bodies (CSE/CSEC). Management also started the project to reform the Staff Regulations with the opening of negotiations on the agreement on methods and resources at the end of 2020. Negotiations and discussions with representative trade unions will continue throughout 2021.

The year 2020 was marked by the Covid-19 pandemic. Faced with this health crisis, social dialogue had to adapt: remote meetings, remote signing, multiple meetings to inform and consult the social partners on the management of the crisis. While crisis management involved most of the discussions, the other aspects of social dialogue continued in parallel.



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