AFD // 2021 Universal Registration Document


The digital initiatives committee (cross-cutting working group) continued its identification activities in 2021, publishing, in March ɸ 2021, a range of digital services (ten types of needs covered with more than 17 tools provided): distance learning (e-learning), collaborative work, organisation of webinars, video publishing. Work on the electronic signature led to an extensive experiment, with a view to its generalisation taking place in 2022. User support was reinforced through the creation of a unit responsible for supporting the use of tools for the organisation of events or meetings in hybrid mode (speeches by Chief Executive Officer, board meetings, interactive seminars), and the development of a support service to react quickly to problems in using these tools. The end of 2021 was marked by the launch of the audiovisual equipment modernisation project in the auditorium with a view to holding internal or external high-stakes seminars in hybrid mode. Quality of working conditions The agreement on quality of life at work signed at the beginning of 2020 was the roadmap in this area, in parallel with the exceptional measures taken to address the health crisis that continued throughout 2021. The emphasis remained on the prevention of psychosocial risks. All internal and external prevention players (managers, HR managers, social partners, occupational health services, psychologists, the mediator, ɸ etc.) were mobilised to provide the best possible support to all employees. The psychological assistance firms deployed at the head office and across the network saw their work reinforced, in order to respond to the increasing number or requests resulting from this uncertain and potentially anxiety-causing context. The risks in relation to remote working were regularly identified and the DUERP (Single Occupational Risk Assessment Document) was updated accordingly and presented to the social partners. A joint unit monitoring suffering at work makes it possible to examine the situation of colleagues who express a need in this respect, and to find appropriate responses in a collegial manner. The preservation of health and the management’s goodwill were at the forefront throughout the health crisis, in view of the constraints imposed on teams by the extended periods of teleworking. Communicationwith employees fromManagement, human resources, the General Secretariat and the internal crisis unit was regular to inform, support and disseminate best practices and maintain contact with employees. Several webinars and workshops were provided, notably as part of theQuality of Life at WorkWeek: “Managing your energy”, “Non violent communication”, “Reasoned negotiation”, “Recognition”, “Working together with our differences”, in order to support employees and managers on matters of particular importance to them. Remote training was also provided to managers, to support them in their role as players in the quality of life at work, and to consolidate their remote management skills.

As of 21 ɸ January 2020, a reinforced health watch was put in place to monitor the development of Covid-19 in China. The crisis unit was activated on 25 ɸ February 2020 to take global emergency measures for the Group and then to activate the BCP from 16 ɸ March 2020. Reinforced security measures were taken by the crisis unit to ensure the health security of employees at the head office and in the network. In addition to hygiene and physical distancing measures, teleworking rapidly became widespread throughout the Group. All these provisions relating to employee health were discussed at length with the employee representative bodies and included in the Single Document on Occupational Risks (DUERP). In 2021, the crisis unit continued its regular meetings and exchanges in order to best support all AFD employees and structures. Large-scale improvement of remote working conditions In 2020, the Covid-19 crisis led AFD to put its telework system to the test on a real scale, thanks to the tools and services made available by the Information Systems Department, at the head office and in the network’s local offices: laptops, remote access to information system applications, widespread use of the Skype for Business audio-video communication tool, and extension of remote access possibilities to business applications. In 2021, the Group continued its actions to extend its range of services to improve remote working conditions for employees at the head office or in local offices. The videoconferencing service was completed to allow hybrid meetings (face-to-face/remote), whatever their size and purpose (from working meetings to various committees and the Board of Directors): P supplementing the Skype tool by rolling out a new PEXIP tool, allowing the use of video for more than 4/5 ɸ people without performance degradation (optimisation of the bandwidth of computer networks); P videoconferencing project adapted to new working conditions to facilitate hybrid meetings, by equipping all meeting rooms with videoconferencing systems, at the head office and in the local offices. The reinforcement of AFD’s communication capacities was pursued: P by setting up a redundant very high-speed Internet link (2*10G), making it possible to secure remote working connections and the increased use of video for hybrid meetings at the head office and in the local offices; P by continuing and completing the project to review branch telecom links in order to increase the number of sites eligible for videoconferencing; P by deploying a new Wi-Fi connection system in the local offices.




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