EXEL industries - 2019 Universal Registration Document

Management report 3

Statement of Non-Financial Performance

3.4.6 Report of the Statutory Auditor appointed as independent third party on the consolidated statement of non- fi nancial performance included Ƥ in the Group’s management report

Fiscal year ended September c 30, 2019 To the Shareholders’ Annual General Meeting,

In our capacity as Statutory Auditors of EXEL Industries appointed as an independent third party, certi fi ed by COFRAC under number c 3-1048 (scope of accreditation available on www.cofrac.fr), we present our report on the consolidated statement of non- fi nancial performance relating to the fi scal year ended December c 31, 2018, presented in the management report (hereinafter the “Statement”), pursuant to the laws and regulations of Articles c L.225102-1, R.225-105 and R.225-105-1 of the French Commercial Code. Company’s responsibility It is the duty of the Board of Directors to draw up a Statement in accordance with the laws and regulations, including a presentation of the business model, a description of the principal non- fi nancial risks, a presentation of the policies applied as regards those risks and the results of those policies, including key performance indicators. The Statement was prepared pursuant to the Company’s procedures (hereinafter the “Guidelines”), the major points of which are presented in the Statement and available on its website or upon request at the Company’s main o ffi ce. Independence and quality control Our independence is de fi ned by the criteria laid out in Article c L.822-11-3 of the French Commercial Code and the Code of Ethics for French auditors. Moreover, we have set up a quality control systemwhich includes documented procedures and policies aimed at ensuring compliance with our rules of ethics, professional standards and applicable legal and regulatory texts. Responsibility of Statutory Auditors appointed as an independent third party It is our responsibility, based on our audit, to provide a reasoned opinion expressing a conclusion of moderate assurance concerning: „ the Statement’s compliance with Article c R.225-105 of the French Commercial Code; „ the accuracy of the information provided pursuant to sections I(3) and II of Article c R.225105 of the French Commercial Code, namely the outcomes of the policies, including key performance indicators, and the actions taken in light of the principal risks, hereinafter “the Information”. On the other hand we do not have to pronounce on: „ the Company’s observance of the other legal and regulatory requirements, including those pertaining to anti-corruption and taxation; „ the regulatory compliance of products and services. Nature and extent of the audit We conducted the work described hereinafter in accordance with Articles c A.2251 et seq . of the French Commercial Code, determining the ways in which the independent third party organization is to conduct the assignment and in accordance with the professional standards applicable in France, and with ISAE c 3000 – “ Assurance engagements other than audits or reviews of historical financial information ”. We conducted work to assess the compliance of the Statement with the regulatory provisions and the accuracy of the information, as follows: „ We informed ourselves as to the business activity of all of the companies within the basis of consolidation, the report on the principal social and environmental risks related to that activity and on its e ff ects in terms of human rights, anti-corruption and tax evasion, as well the policies that derive from it and their outcomes. „ We appraised the appropriateness of the Guidelines with respect to their relevance, completeness, reliability, neutrality and clarity, taking into consideration, where relevant, good industry practices. „ We veri fi ed that the Statement covers every category of information contemplated in section c III of Article c L.2251021 regarding social and environmental issues as well as human rights, anti-corruption and tax evasion. „ We veri fi ed that the Statement includes an explanation of the absence of some information required by para. c 2 of section c III of Article c L.225- 102-1. „ We veri fi ed that the Statement presents the business model and the principal risks associated with the operations of all of the entities included in the basis of consolidation, including, where it seems helpful and in proportion, the risks created by its business relationships, products and services as well as the policies, actions and outcomes, including key performance indicators. „ We have veri fi ed that the Statement presents the information called for in section c II of Article c R.225-105 if it bears on the principal risks or policies presented. „ We made an assessment of the process used to select and verify the principal risks. „ We looked into the existence of internal risk monitoring and management procedures used by the Company.

EXEL Industries Group I 2019 Universal Registration Document


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