EXEL industries - 2019 Universal Registration Document

Management report

Statement of Non-Financial Performance

Explanation of changes over time: With regards to absenteeism

Concerning apprenticeship The improvement in our indicators in the work-study area and especially apprenticeship came about largely through the work of our French companies. Of course, the German system, which has always been very supportive of apprenticeships, produces a signi fi cant number of apprentices. But it is the widespread expansion in our companies in France that has enabled this progress for the last few years. A comprehensive approach to the topic, which starts in March and April to prepare for the following school year, enables us to identify the skills wewish to bring into our companies. Naturally, we also try to hire best young people whenever job opportunities arise. For 2019/2020 and beyond

The absenteeism ratewas very slightlyworse. It went from 2.84 to 2.85 two years ago, and this was year was 2.96. However, it is under 3%. All companies have action plans on absenteeism, and no company has a signi fi cantly worse absenteeism rate; and in fact, despite the economic di ffi culties in the agriculture sector, some of them saw their rate decline (HOLMER and TECNOMA). With regards to severity and frequency rates For the fi rst time in fi ve years, both severity and frequency rates fell at the same time. However, this reduction is structural and runs counter to the general trend in our industry. The action plans implemented for several years, investments and preventive measures have led to these positive outcomes. Efforts must now be as focused on more vulnerable groups, especially seasonal and temporary workers. The inferior rates there, even if they fall within the norms of our industry, have persuaded us to implement a suitably targeted action plan.


The four KPIs will continue to be measured. The absenteeism target rate remains at 3%. The target accident severity rate stays at 0.6. The target accident frequency rate stays at 25.

Particular attention will be given to the 3% target for work-study contracts, which has already improved remarkably in the past several years.

EXEL Industries Group I 2019 Universal Registration Document


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