Worldline - Registration Document 2016


Corporate and social responsibility report Annex III - Being a responsible employer


incentive schemes Profit sharing agreements and

these offers. be applicable in the various countries included in the scope of with country-specific regulatory and/or fiscal legislation that may “Profit sharing agreement and incentive schemes”. Employees’ shareholding plans are described in Section 17.4

Profit SharingAgreements Profit Sharing Agreements are described in Section 17.4.2.


Incentive Schemes Incentive Schemes are described in Section 17.4.3.

agreement and incentive schemes”. Stock Option plans are described in Section 17.4 “Profit sharing

incentive plans [WL5] Employee shareholding plans and long-term

Profit sharing agreements

Sharing Agreements”. Profit Sharing Agreements are described in Section 17.4.2 “Profit


Senior Executives and Directors Compensation and benefits policy of


Stock option plan [WL5]

The principles governing the compensation and benefits of “Compensation and benefits of Senior Executives and Directors”. Senior Executives and Directors are described in Section 15

Employee StockOwnership Plans/Boost shares reserved for employees under the framework of article resolution, the Board of Directors of Worldline decided to issue Shareholders’ Meeting on June 13, 2014, under the 16 th Pursuant to the authorization granted by the General Company (WL5). and 22.02% of eligible employees purchased stocks in the shareholding plan (“Boost”) took place on November 20, 2014, Code (Code du travail). The launch of Worldline’s first employee commerce) and articles L. 3332-18 et seq. of the French Labor L. 225-138-138 of the French Commercial Code (Code de employees under the framework of article L. 225-138-1 of the under the 17 th resolution. The shares issued are reserved for granted by the General Shareholders’ Meeting on May 28, 2015 shareholding plan (“Boost 2015”) pursuant to the authorization On December 4, 2015, Worldline launched its second employee L. 3332-18 et seq. of the French Labor Code (Code du travail). French Commercial Code (Code de commerce) and articles details of the Atos Sprint program. Section 17.4 “Profit sharing agreements and incentives” for the shareholding plan and long-term incentive schemes,” and For more information, please refer to Section 17.3 “Employee not been offered in Chile, China and Argentina. local legal and regulatory constraints, Boost 2014 and 2015 have Worldline Group Savings Plans (hereinafter the “PEG”). Due to Spain, Taiwan and the United Kingdom, who may benefit from Indonesia, Luxembourg, Malaysia, The Netherlands, Singapore, working in Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, shareholding vehicle governed by French law), in accordance The shares are subscribed through FCPE (employee service period of three months. This applies to all employees employment are met during the trial period and a minimum employees provided that conditions of eligibility for These share offers have been proposed to all Worldline Objective of share offers



competitive market. also help Worldline to succeed in an ever-tougher and employee’s knowledge and skills throughout their career. It will facilitating and fostering the personal development of Company to retain the best managers and talents, while higher recognition of Worldline employees will help the Investigating and implementing new ideas to guarantee a underlay the Accolade philosophy: performance or contribution. The following three principles managers to immediately reward their teams for exceptional “Accolade” is a recognition award program which enables achievements; Publicly recognize and reward key individual or team ● business goals and values; and Recognize positive behavior and attitudes that reflect our ● achievement. Be an award that can be delivered quickly after the ● There are two different kinds of Accolade awards: intranet pages) in a team or simply a “job well done”; Wellbeing@Work (for more information, visit the Worldline implementation of a best practice in terms of employees. For example, it could be related to the Accolade my Colleagues : an award given to internal ● collectively much more on our external clients because they clients. As a service provider, Worldline needs to focus Accolade my Client : an award given for work with external ● generating revenue for Worldline. are the key to success. External clients are all entities


Worldline 2016 Registration Document

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