Worldline - Registration Document 2016


Corporate and social responsibility report Annex III - Being a responsible employer

build and follow up on individual development plans. – to include them in key positions succession plans but also to with high potential for growth or with business critical expertise local level. The goals are to identify Talents – top performers on a global level for the N-2 and N-3 population as well as on performance, Worldline is rolling out a Talent review every year, In order to reinforce and renew its talent base and business development in order to achieve goals. A new initiative in the discusses their current role, career aspirations and the needs for The Talent Manager gets in touch with the Talents identified and Talents are shared and discussed on a regular basis. Goal is to Place. Critical job opportunities as well as the curriculum vitae of talent management domain is the launch of a Talent Market positions of the Group; terms of career path and priority for the most critical accelerate their development and to give them visibility in Maximize talent visibility, boost their mobility internally and ● internally, aligned to business strategy. stronger pipeline of ready high potential successors the right talent in the right job at the right time and build a Support business success today and tomorrow by putting ● programs include: their actions and make their career growing fast. These to Talent development to help them in becoming best in class in Worldline talents are following Atos group’s programs dedicated The Juniors Group; ● Gold for managers; ● Gold for experts; ● On the job experience. ● performance. projects that contribute to Worldline’s global business international colleagues, as well as real work on innovative sessions, networking opportunities with top management and 40 members thanks to a combination of personal development Group mission is to develop the best individual potential of its self-organized, international, cross-functional circle. Juniors Part of Worldline Talent management, the Juniors Group is a group, which includes eLearning, eBooks, and courses, provided A dedicated curriculum has been designed especially for this members. information and knowledge with previous Juniors Group afterwards becomes part of an alumni network to keep sharing becomes a member of the Juniors Group for 18 months and experience. Once someone passes the assessment, he/she by external experts during meetings to boost learning which includes 2 women. Worldline participants are currently part of the Juniors Group, With respect to the number of slots attributed to Worldline, 4 The Juniors Group A.

and clients. within Worldline cover international projects, the organization of mobility opportunities. Opportunities for international mobility its employees’ exposure and readiness through a wide range of To anticipate this development requirement, Worldline ensures strives to reach a level of flexibility to better serve its business processes are designed to support this strategy as Worldline talent development programs. Worldline’s policies and multi-country teams, the implementation of offshoring, and India and expatriate positions. For 2017, the mobility teams are countries targeted by Worldline, local contracts with Worldline the CVs of students looking for an international assignment in between Business France and IM, information meetings, sharing International Student Contracts (VIEs) thanks to a partnership In 2016, projects made it possible to put in place: Voluntary VIE program and develop a toolbox to facilitate the processes. to develop the international experience of new hires, boost the working on the development and launch of a Graduate Program A. opportunities, and the My Mobility Community was created in Community was created on blueKiwi to facilitate access to the discussions, the Global Worldline Mobility & Recruitment every month. The Job Café was launched to facilitate direct this end, newsletters containing the opportunities are published and transparently communicate about all the opportunities. To Worldline also intends to develop a culture of internal mobility around the world. the Atos group to publicize all open positions in the Atos group Other projects have been realized like the Internal First Program Place. talented people and the implementation of the Talent Market which aims to ease the staffing of high potential positions by Geographical and functional mobility strategically owned and managed by the employee and the motivational factor for people-driven career management, Company together. management. Developing soft skills as well as technical Worldline believes in talent development and career knowhow and opening new creative talents are indeed a strong gives young potentials the opportunity to follow a Worldline Belgium developed in 2013 and spread over 2 years, other junior career development programs. The latest program well as local programs such as: Transconstellation, Lead!, and for Managers, Gold for Experts and Junior Group Program as employees to follow international development programs: Gold Within Worldline the opportunity is also given to talented potentials and to follow local executive members for a day as a to have regular interactions within this group of young mini-management program, to be guided by a personal mentor, unique learning-on-the-job project. Training and Education] Talent development [GRI 103-2 A.3.3.5


Worldline 2016 Registration Document

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