Worldline - 2020 Universal Registration Document


Training first aid volunteers at the workplace Volunteer employees at every site are entitled to receive training funded by the Company in order to learn basic first aid and occupational risks. The training leads to a qualification recognised on a national level, regardless of the Company. These employees are contacted to intervene, for example in the case of a workplace accident involving an employee, and are authorised to contact the ambulance service. These employees regularly attend training courses to refresh their knowledge. More specifically in Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, The Netherlands and Spain, real life exercises and regular fire drills trainings are planned during the year on main sites to test the correct intervention by the first aid helpers. They involve all employees and the employees responsible for first aid at each site. Identifying and mitigating psychosocial risks Worldline is fully committed to preventing and controlling psychosocial risks. Since 2010, Worldline has worked with employees’ representatives and external experts to verify if there is any stress in the workplace and, in that case, identify measures in order to avoid this stress. To this regard, several local initiatives are worth to be mentioned. For instance in France, employees can consult with several confidants (on HR and on business side) who are well trained to deal with the most sensitive topics related to the work environment. In Belgium, in addition to the existing “Learning & development” initiatives that have been implemented for managers to detect and recognise the first signs of a possible “burn-out” in order to avoid it, Worldline offers to all managers and teams a special new course focused on: Mental resilience trainings: employees receive the ● opportunity to attend, on a voluntary base, an individual coaching with a certified coach to discuss personal situation and make them more resilient towards stress situations etc.; Co-determination workshops: specifically designed for ● managers, these co-development workshops between peers, opened to all, foster knowledge sharing on managerial practices while taking the daily reality into account. A best practice identified for managers is, for example, to stay connected with their suffering workers to improve their mental condition and ease their return later on. Raising employee awareness on health prevention Worldline implements initiatives to create awareness on well-being and health prevention. More generally, Worldline provides financial support to its employees on sport or fitness activities in its main geographies and special chairs or desks that fulfil physical or ergonomic requirements. Worldline Belgium has set up a dedicated Cafeteria Plan for older employees (50+ & 55+), including topics such as

knowledge sharing or medical check-up. The entity also offers other initiatives to all of its employees: sport week (with tai chi, yoga, football, fitness or dance activities), health sessions with experts notably relating to healthy food, health check-up. Please refer to Section D., psychological support during the Covid-19 pandemic, for measures put in place during the crisis. Regarding GRI 403-7, the information is not available. Worldline did not report it as Worldline does not have a Global Health and Safety policy yet. It is handled at local levels so far. Worldline is intending to draft it in the coming years. For more information on health and safety measures in place at Ingenico’s side, please consult Chapter 2.4.2 of its extra-financial performance declaration Promotion of Human Rights internally D. through the International Labour Rights [GRI 102-12] [GRI 102-13] Worldline is determined to embed the respect and promotion of Human Rights into every function, role, and dimension of its business. As a signatory of United Nations Global Compact (UN GC) since 2016 which includes commitments with International Labour Organisation (ILO) conventions, Worldline ensures the protection of international labour rights in its organisation and its value chain and states that it is not engaged and have not been suspected / accused in any form of breaches on international labour rights. Furthermore, Gilles Grapinet became a member of the board of the UN Global Compact France in 2020. The Company supports and respects the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948, the Council Directive 2000/78/EC of November 27, 2000 establishing a general framework for equal treatment in employment and occupation (hereinafter: ‘the Employment Equality Directive’), the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business, and Human Rights, the ILO (87 or 98) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, as well as UN International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights or UN International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. It is all the more important for Worldline to ensure compliance with the following principles of labour rights in all its geographies given that 13.82% of its total employees in 2020 worked in sensitive countries (e.g. China, India, Singapore, United States, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Malaysia): Supporting and respecting the protection of internationally ● proclaimed Human Rights; Making sure that Worldline is not complicit in Human Rights ● abuses, including harassment; Upholding the freedom of association and speech and the ● effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining; Rejecting of all forms of forced and compulsory labour; ●


Universal Registration Document 2020


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