Worldline - 2020 Universal Registration Document



Measures to ensure health and safety D. at work [GRI 403-1] [GRI 403-2] [GRI 403-3] [GRI 403-4] [GRI 403-5] [GRI 403-6] [GRI 403-8] Assessing and preventing health and safety risks at work OHS and CPPT Committees work together to update a Unique Risk Assessment Document (DUER) for all of Worldline’s sites on an annual basis. This document lists all the potential risks to which the employees may be exposed to while working. It details, the level of occurrence, the probability and gravity of these risks, and the related preventive measures. In addition to the Unique Risk Assessment Document, Worldline management publishes safety instructions for each site to inform employees of the proper behaviour to adopt on site with regard to potential risks. A yearly exercise is planned with all employees in order to test the proper execution of the security guidelines. Every organisation in the Netherlands also has a RI&E (risk assessment and evaluation), addressing topics such as health, safety, absenteeism, indoor climate, company emergency services, workplace design, computer work and psychosocial workload. An action plan is drawn up to reduce and/or eliminate the risks and have improvements on relevant issues. Medical checks are also conducted for all employees in major sites on a regular basis. In line with labour law, a dedicated approach with special care for the employee is for example developed in Belgium and the Netherlands to accompany the employee who returns from long term illness. A phased return with several follow-up moments to the rhythm of the employee in order to guarantee a healthy and smooth return is organised. Besides, in 2019, Worldline Iberia launched the certification ISO 45001 for Madrid and Barcelona. This international standard provides a framework to identify, control and reduce the risks associated with health and safety in the workplace. On the other hand, this certification allows the integration of procedures with the Quality and Environment Management System according to ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015. In 2020, the total number of hours loosed due to sickness and long term absence amounted to 473,243 hours globally in Worldline Group. In order to face the Covid-19 crisis and in order to continue providing our services to our clients and to preserve the health of their employees, Worldline Iberia made the decision to implement exceptional remote working for 99% of the staff during the quarantine. In May, Health and Safety performed a risk assessment document and implemented extraordinary measures, such as capacity limitation, social distancing, delivery of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE), and training on the new safety and hygiene regulations that allowed the return to the office of a part of the workers to resume tasks that could not be done remotely.

Thus, in France, the Unions and the HR department meet on a regular basis to negotiate company-level agreements, such as the specific agreements signed hereafter: Gender equality: “Agreement on gender equality” - ● May 6, 2019; Teleworking: “Agreement on exceptional teleworking” – ● November 12, 2020; Disability: “Agreement on the employment and inclusion of ● disabled workers” – November 8, 2019; Charter of the right to disconnection – January 22, 2018; ● Complementary health insurance agreement – October 10, ● 2019; Profit sharing agreements: Participation (May 28, 2019) – ● Profit Sharing (July 24, 2020) – PERCO (July 12, 2019), In Belgium, on top of the national collective labour agreements that are applicable in its sector, Worldline is also negotiating collective bargaining agreements with the Unions on different topics such as: collective bonuses, working schedules for specific functions, rules linked to standby hours, cafeteria plan for +50 employees etc. Collective parameters are determined together with employer and employee representatives and collective targets for the on-going year are set. Each employee contributes to the achieving these targets. In Austria, Worldline has 3 different collective bargaining agreements for 2 entities (SIX Payment Services (EU) Austrian branch and Worldline Austria GmbH) and company agreements with the works councils of both entities to topics such as working time, teleworking, data protection or performance management. equensWorldline Italy have signed the Collective Labour Agreement (CLA) of the Bank sector with a validity until December 31, 2022. equensWorldline SE Netherlands has signed a CLA that goes from July 1, 2020 till December 31, 2021. The CLAs guarantee to employees specific benefits regarding health insurance, pension found, collective bonus, paternity leaving, part time rules, working time, teleworking, bonus for student, etc.. The CLA in Luxembourg expired on December the 31 th 2020. They are discussing with Staff Delegation and one syndicate to extend its effects at least to the coming year after considering some small changes and adaptations. In 2020, the main focus of Worldline WC discussion was related to the finalisation of the acquisition and the start of the integration of Ingenico, and the people that joined Worldline recently. Regarding the measures devoted to social dialogue at Ingenico, please consult Chapter 3.4.5 of its extra-financial performance declaration. Buying power bonus (January 31, 2019); Health benefits agreement – July 23, 2020; ● Prevention on psychosocial risks agreement. ●


Universal Registration Document 2020

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