Universal Registration Document 2021
Talent Review and Leadership Development
FranklinCovey’s All Access Pass: • FranklinCovey’s All AccessPass program concluded in June 2021. This program played an important role in the support provided by the Group to 600 managers in all business lines and divisions/functions. This program ran for three years incorporating the world-class methodologies like “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” and “Speed of Trust” were incorporated into management teams. Focus on divisions In 2019, a new feedback tool combined with a talent evaluation system was introduced in Technicolor Creative Studios to support the notion of talent development and transparent feedback. The Continuous Feedback App is accessible throughout division and has changed the way employees think about and track feedback. It empowers individuals to own their development and learning, and to take control of their career trajectory. This tool also works to promote a culture of recognition, between peers and between manager and employee. In Connected Home, talent management has been the primary 2021 focus. 42% of the Connected Home talent pool, representing 19% of its employees has a designed Development Plan as well as 95% of the 54 emerging leaders. Also, a specific program was developed for sourcing and supply chain related jobs to assess and remedy skill job gaps. In addition to the succession planning, DVD Services conducted a High-Potential program with 45 team members that utilized this resource for reducing unconscious bias, building trust and influence and managing change. A transformation leadership development program was implemented. Behavioral assessments were also completed with a professional coach.
A yearly Leadership Talent Review process is conducted in all divisions. The process involves managers at all levels of the organization as well as the members of the Executive Committee and of the Management Committee. All these stakeholders participate in the identification of employees with the right level of potential and performance to feed the pool of future managers at the division or Group level. The members of this talent pool are eligible to benefit from dedicated leadership development trainings, activities and events during the year. Several programs are managed at the Group level: the Leadership Talent Pool and the Leadership Development program: • Each business has unique learning and development needs, and all need foundational management behavior development. The Talent and Development Center of Excellence is designed to be an internal full-service consultancy to support and offer both Group and custom solutions for these diverse businesses. The Talent & Development Center works with businesses to provide curriculum in such areas as DEI, well-being, remote work, presentation skills, change management, and foundational behavior expectations for managers. The Center also will tailor content and delivery modalities to fit the business culture. The mission is to shift our culture and improve effectiveness through cultivating awareness, common language, interpersonal skills, and connection in our talent across the globe. The aim going forward is to create a “habit of learning” across the organization. 2020 brought even more agility to support the development of employee soft skills with the introduction of the new LMS and the continuation of the Covid-19 pandemic. The 2021 development initiatives had more focus on well-being, DEI and people manager behaviors. All sessions in 2021 were virtually delivered, for shorter periods of time, this allowed for more participation and increased exposure across the globe. “Blended learnings” combining e-learning and virtual instructor-led sessions were introduced and proved successful in increasing awareness and participation. Employees were able to more easily fit learning into their busy schedules. Talent & Development (T & D) Center sponsored 3,724 individual training hours focused on creating a best-in-class baseline for employee soft skills. Talent & Business Partners kept the T & D Center informed of changes as they happened and T & D adapted, managed, and facilitated programs to support the changes;
The Holding Company and eight French subsidiaries of the Company offer employees incentive plans based on the related subsidiary’s results. The total annual bonuses distributed to employees in connection with these Incentive Plans over the three most recent years amount to the following: amounts distributed in 2019 for year 2018: €1,677,168; • amounts distributed in 2020 for year 2019: €1,863,749; and • amounts distributed in 2021 for year 2020: €2,504,847. • In addition, several of our locations offer their employees profit-sharing plans based on Company results and/or achievement of objectives.
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