

3.6 Financial communication 3.5 Dividends

3.5 Dividends

3.5.1 Dividend pay-out policy

The Board of Directors determines the dividend pay-out policy after review of various criteria including Group and Company earnings and financial situation. In accordance with the law, unclaimed dividends lapse and are paid over to the State following a five-year period.

3.5.2 Dividends paid in respect of the last five financial years


It is reminded that the shareholders’ meeting held on Mayb30 th , 2013bapproved, by its fourth resolution, the option to pay out the 2012bdividend either in cash or in Teleperformance shares. The period during which shareholders were able to opt between dividend pay-out in cash or in shares was extended from Juneb6 th , 2013bto Juneb21 st , 2013binclusive. Following this period, the dividend pay-out in shares option resulted in the issue of 662,142bnew shares each with a par value of €2.50, which increased the share capital by a total nominal amount of €1,655,355. It is specified that the Board of Directors has decided to propose at the shareholders’ meeting to be held on April 20 th , 2018bto fix the gross amount of dividend for 2017bat €1.85 per share.

Dividend for financial year *

Gross dividend per share

Total amount **

Distribution rate ***

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

€0.68 €38,486,672.64 €0.80 €45,808,152.00 €0.92 €52,625,554.80 €1.20 €68,642,028.00 €1.30 €75,114,000.00

30% 35% 35% 35% 35%

* Paid the following year. ** Including unpaid dividends on the Company’s treasury shares posted to “Retained earnings”. *** Calculated on the basis of consolidated net profit.

Dividends distributed for the last three financial years were eligible for a 40% tax allowance.

3.6 Financial communication 3.6.1 Mission statement

The Group is committed to maintaining a sustainable and trust- based relationship with its shareholders and all other members of the financial community. The duties of the Group’s investor relations team are to facilitate access to information regarding the Group’s earnings, outlook and strategic developments. To that end, and in order to ensure ongoing clarity and transparency, a number of dedicated documents have been published and frequent meetings are organized throughout the year with the financial community.

The Group, which has signed the United Nations global charter, is also committed to informing the market of its policy in terms of social and environmental responsibility and has dedicated a whole section of this report (pagesb123btob156) to these topics. A key feature of 2017bwas the Group’s continued efforts to improve the quality of its communication to the financial community. In January 2017, the Group held an Investor Day in the USA, where it presented its key and new business activities, development strategy and new five-year targets. The Group now publishes two letters to shareholders annually, compared to only one in previous years.

3.6.2 Dedicated information accessible to all shareholders

Financial and regulatory information and a large number of dedicated documents are made available to all shareholders in the Investor Relations section of the Teleperformance website (, which is an extensive database of the Group’s financial and regulated communication.

This information includes:

■ all financial and strategic information provided to financial markets and Group shareholders: quarterly information, press releases, audio and video recordings and broadcasts of result presentations and theme conferences, letters to shareholders;


Teleperformance bb - bb Registration documentbb 2017

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