5.3 Environmental information
5.3.4 Climate change Adaptation to the consequences of climate change and associated financial risks Given the locations of its facilities, the Group has relatively limited exposure to climate change risks. However, the Philippines subsidiary is located in a region potentially vulnerable to typhoons. While the main danger concerns rural areas, which are the first to experience mudslides from heavy rain, the teams at Teleperformance Philippines attend conferences and debates organized by government authorities responsible for continuity plans in the event of a disaster.
In 2014, Teleperformance Philippines forged a partnership with the public safety division of the MMDA (Metropolitan Manila Development Authority) to improve Teleperformance’s capabilities in the event of a disaster. 50bsecurity guards and facilities personnel attended the two-day Disaster Preparedness Training, which is part of Teleperformance’s Business Continuity Plan (BCP). The risks of typhoons, earthquakes, fires and other man-made accidents were discussed. Lastly, Citizen of the Planet initiatives, such as tree planting and river cleanup, organized by our Philippines subsidiary contribute to preventing floods and mudslides. Greenhouse gas emissions
Making a Stand for the Environment Teleperformance’sCitizenof thePlanet (COTP) isourglobal environmental initiative,dedicated to minimizingnegativeenvironmental impacts fromallover theworld.
Our COTP programs encourage our people to do their share in protecting the planet. This Teleperformance corporate social responsability initiative helps our environment by creating sustainable sites, promoting recycling, spreading environmental awareness, and improving our local habitats.
In 2017, our total measured carbon emissions were 156,919 tons with a carbon footprint per employee (CFE) of 0.772 tons.
2017 Carbon Footprint in Metric Tons % of Total Carbon Footprint per Source
0.772 tons. Carbon Footprint per Employee
Electricity 156,062 90.53%
Paper 527 0.34%
Air Travel 14,330 9.13%
Reporting period is from October 1 st , 2016- September 30 th , 2017 Electricity: emission factors used is the standardspublished by the IEA (International energy agency). Paper:conversin factroueed isanestimateof0.410 tonsofCO 2 pereach tonofpperconsumed (sourceADEME). Air Travel: we are using a standard alculated based on a web tool designed for this purpose, the emission factor is 0.18 kg per CO 2 . Our carbon footprint is published for pur main subsidiaries (approximately 86% of Group’s revenues).
At constant consolidation scope, our carbon footprint per employee increased by 0.9% from 2016bto 2017, mainly due to the increase in the number of journeys per employee. The Group’s carbon footprint in terms of emission sources taken into account came to 156,919btons in 2017.
Our expansion and the increase in our headcount (up 9%) have led to a 9.9% increase in the Group’s overall carbon footprint compared to the previous year (142,719btons in 2016).
Teleperformance bb - bb Registration documentbb 2017
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