5.1 Introduction
With regard to our operations in these two countries:
● the governments of Vietnam, Malaysia and Singapore have not ratified convention No.b105bon the abolition of forced labor. – “The government of Vietnam has stated that the timeframe for reviewing the possibility of ratifying convention No.b105bhas been set at 2020”. – Singapore’s National Trade Union Congress (SNTUC) has stated that “progress has been made with a view to bringing domestic laws into line with the provisions of convention No.b105”. Malaysia has not yet declared its standpoint on the matter. Naturally, the Group’s subsidiaries in Vietnam, Malaysia and Singapore make no use of forced labor. ● Thailand and Vietnam have not ratified convention No.b98 (right to organize and collective bargaining). – “As successful example in relation to freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining, the Government of Thailand referred to its programme on labour harmonization for productive economy.” – The Vietnamese government has informed the ILO “that, following the successful outcome of the pilot programs, proposals for amending the procedure for establishing trade unions have been presented in order to switch from a non-consultative approach to a participative one, in order to ensure that workers really are involved in the creation of trade unions within companies and to minimize the involvement of employers in this process”. Group employees in Vietnam and Thailand are perfectly free to form an association. ■ Our Group has subsidiaries in two countries whose governments have not ratified 4bof the 8 ILO fundamental conventions: India and China. None of these countries has ratified the two conventions on freedom of association and recognition of the right to collective bargaining (Nos.b87band 98); China has not ratified the two conventions on forced labor (Nos.b29band 105), while India has not ratified the two conventions on child labor (Nos.b138band 182): ● however, on June 13 th , 2017bthe Indian government filed instruments of ratification for conventions Nos.b138band 182, which will come into force on June 14 th , 2018. The ILO has stated that “the Indian government has confirmed that the ratification of conventions Nos.b138band 182bis pending on the harmonization of domestic legislation with the provisions of the ILO conventions” and, regarding fundamental conventions Nos.b87band 98, that the ILO’s technical cooperation “had been requested for the purposes of raising awareness and improving understanding of this principle, this right and its consequences”, ● the Chinese government has requested the ILO’s assistance with regard to “the reinforcement of collective bargaining, tripartite consultation and social dialog” and conventions Nos.b138band 182, and has repealed the laws and decisions relating to “re-education through work”, which should ultimately enable conventions Nos . b87band 98bto be ratified.
● worker consultation at our Chinese subsidiaries takes place at various levels (quarterly consultation, monthly meetings for agents and supervisors, etc .) and fosters constructive and satisfactory social dialog. Furthermore, our Chinese subsidiaries are clearly not involved in the forced labor issue; ● in India, Teleperformance has no employees under the age of 16band, besides this, promotes dialog with its employees as follows: – the directors of our facilities in India encourage employees to come together for cultural activities or sports events, and allow them to direct and manage these extra- professional activities among work colleagues at their entire discretion, – Teleperformance’s employees in India do not lack opportunities for consultation: staff representatives are included among the standing members of three decision- making Committees. ■ Paradoxically, the United States has only ratified two of the ILO fundamental conventions, as ratification would require amending State laws which, taken as a whole, cover the same points, often in greater detail. At the 325 th session of its Governing Body held between October 29 th and November 12 th , 2015, the ILO stated that “the United States has announced progress regarding the possibilities of ratification” and is “reviewing (...) actively the legal feasibility of ratifying conventions Nos. 87, 98, 29band 138bas well as convention No.b100 (…) and is working to step up the process of ratifying convention No.b111, which is still on its priority list of conventions to be ratified”. The United States government has once again stated that the country is in favor of the ratification of convention No.b111. Nevertheless: ● federal legislation and practices are mostly compliant with ILO conventions Nos.b87band 98 (freedom of association and the right to organize and collective bargaining); ● with regard to anti-discrimination, the EEO law ( Equal Employment Opportunity ) is one of the most stringent in the world; ● various federal laws prohibit child and forced labor. In addition, the TVPRA 2013blaw ( Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act ) signed by the US President in March 2013breactivated protection measures for victims of human trafficking and vulnerable children. Further details on the Group’s in-house initiatives to promote freedom of association and the effective recognition of collective bargaining rights (conventions Nos.b87band 98), as well as the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation (conventions Nos.b100band 111) can be found in sectionsb5.2.9 Diversity and equal opportunities, 5.4.1 The local, economic and social impact of our business and 5.2.5 Labor relations .
Teleperformance bb - bb Registration documentbb 2017
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