Saint-Gobain // Universal Registration Document 2021

An efficient and responsible Group Achieve excellence in operations

Results on risk management and performance improvement

involved in the process and must commit to a prevention plan. In 2021, Saint-Gobain continued to develop its risk management system in order to better understand, assess and if necessary, implement action plans to anticipate and reduce the impact of risks reated to natural disasters, which are becoming more frequent and severe. it should be noted that this system also allows for the integration of scenarios linked to climate change. The EHS standard is applicable to all Saint-Gobain sites. It specifies the Environment, industrial Health and Safety (EHS) management system that needs to be put in place and explains the risk identification and management method for environmental and health and safety risks posed to employees and on-site subcontractors. It is coordinated with the ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 requirements. Whether it is certified or not, each site of the Group carries out its own mapping of environmental, health and safety risks. To support the EHS and ISO certification drive, the health and safety risk assessment is subject to a specific standard, that is circulated and updated by Saint-Gobain’s EHS Department. All sites must comply with this standard. In 2021, a guide was created to present the requirements and recommendations on risk management during a construction project. All standards and guides are accompanied by training materials for local organizations in charge of training. The environmental risk assessment standard was updated in 2020, and training sessions were organized to help with its implementation. Based on the ISO 14001 approach and reference, this standard allows for the standardization of the approach across all sites and guidance of the people in charge of the assessments to define the most relevant actions to ensure continuous improvement. There is a digital version of the EHS risk assessment that includes the analysis, assessment and risk management measures. This tool enables the rollout, reliable implementation and monitoring of action plans across all Group sites. In addition to the EHS framework, the EHS risk matrix is included in the internal control framework. Audits on compliance of the EHS management system, conducted by the EHS Department, and external certification measures complete the control system. The pilot version of the internal EHS audit (ISA: Integrated System Assessment) has been finalized and focused on certified sites. In addition, a version of the audit methodology has been developed for smaller sites for which ISO certification is less suitable. When an acquisition is made, the process of integrating the new entity into the Group includes a specific procedure for EHS policy implementation. Management of environmental, health and safety risks

The WCM program delivers a significant reduction in production costs while minimizing risks in terms of health, safety, environment and industrial risks. The “Quality”, “Industrial performance” and “Environment” pillars contribute significantly to reducing Saint-Gobain’s environmental footprint by reducing production waste and water consumption and by improving energy efficiency. The WCM program and its extension to the supply chain represent a change of culture and management system, with the aim of bringing a high level of service to customers, better competitiveness and greater efficiency, while continuously improving the health and safety of all Group employees and those of its partners. It fosters and promotes employee engagement and mobility. Finally, it contributes to the success of the digital transformation of factories and to the adoption of its methods and tools by users (see this chapter, section The methods developed in the “people development” pillar make it possible to manage Saint-Gobain’s technical skills by adapting training programs (see this chapter, section 4.3.5), employee career paths and, if necessary, the search for external skills. Managing industrial and distribution risks The aim of the industrial and distribution risk prevention policy is to reduce the likelihood of accidental events occurring, to minimize their severity if they do occur, and finally to preserve the continuity of business operations. This policy applies to all Saint-Gobain sites. Defined and led by the Risk and Insurance Department, this policy is rolled out within the organization to the sites by a network of prevention coordinators. A risk prevention manual is the Group’s reference base and is available in some fifteen languages. It includes the applicable standards, procedures and technical rules, methods for identifying and reducing risks, including natural risks, and the drafting of emergency and business continuity plans. This manual may be shared with the relevant stakeholders, such as permanent on-site subcontractors. The risk assessment tool is used by all operational sites and provides an objective assessment of the protection and prevention level. It takes into account both human factors (organization, procedures, communication, training, etc.) and physical facilities. This means that each site is able to identify its areas for improvement, develop action plans including investments, and use the tool to measure progress. The Group is rolling out business continuity plans for each site according to the risk evaluation and the vulnerability of processes to unforeseen interruptions including an anticipation of the impacts of an accident so as to limit its effects. The aim is to fully or partially ensure customer service and recover operational capacities as quickly as possible. The subcontractors working on the sites are



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