Saint-Gobain // Universal Registration Document 2021


An efficient and responsible Group Achieve excellence in operations

Energy efficiency is also an essential factor in the environmental and financial performance of Saint-Gobain’s sites which also enables the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. The Group is encouraging energy audits on its sites and is setting up a system for energy management drawing on ISO 50001 certification. At the end of 2021, 91 sites in the scope concerned were ISO 50001 certified, representing 35% of Saint-Gobain’s annual energy consumption. In addition, a procedure of energy audits was initiated, with the aim of improving the insulation of the Group’s production facilities. Saint-Gobain places all its sites in a phase of continuous improvement. In this respect, they aim to identify and evaluate the Best Techniques and Practices Available (MTD) and then progressively upgrade them at an economically acceptable cost, in accordance with the Group’s environmental vision. An MTD deployment plan is defined, updated annually and included in the three-year strategic plan. The actions implemented include optimizing energy use in response to needs (usage to power engines, lighting or the use of compressed gas) and the recovery of energy from manufacturing processes. The carbon impact of energy More than three-quarters of Saint-Gobain’s total energy consumption is directly linked to purchases of fossil fuels. The ability of industrial processes to move from using fossil fuels to low-carbon energy solutions – electricity (when it is low-carbon), biogas, or even hydrogen – is therefore crucial. Action plans have been drawn up between the non-trade purchasing teams in the countries, the industrial departments and the local environmental managers, in order to identify regular and reliable sources of renewable energy. The Group is also developing projects on its sites using new energies (wind energy, biomass, biogas, solar energy, etc.). These developments may be made in association with external partners. Limiting emissions into the air other than greenhouse gases Saint-Gobain actively manages its non-greenhouse gas atmospheric emissions. Environmental managers coordinate this process. When the primary measures are not sufficiently effective, dust emissions are controlled by investments in electrostatic precipitators or bag filters, depending on the type of industrial facility. This equipment also makes it possible to filter the heavy metals resulting from impurities contained in certain raw materials. Some of the Group’s plants, mainly glass furnaces and pipeline production sites, emit substances that contribute to the acidification of environments such as sulfur dioxide (SO 2 ) or nitrogen oxides (NO x ). The primary measures introduced to reduce sulfur dioxide emissions include the reduction in energy consumption and the use of fuels with a low sulfur content. Primary measures to optimize processes, particularly combustion, make it possible to reduce NO x emissions at source. In addition to these primary measures, equipment for the secondary treatment of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides is also installed. Some industrial sites are affected by Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) emissions as a result of their industrial process. On-site monitoring is based on measurements as needed. The aim is to check that emissions are below the limits set by the environmental operation permit; as such, it is heavily dependent on the local context. Optimization of raw materials can reduce VOC emissions, while secondary measures through a decontamination unit are implemented when necessary.

Lastly, the EHS training matrix, which defines the training to be provided based on the job held, is a particularly relevant tool to define employees’ EHS training paths. In addition to its EHS policy, Saint-Gobain has rolled out specific policies to control health risks, manage water, energy and air emissions, sustainably manage resources and biodiversity, and monitor the other eight standards related to safety risks (management of subcontractors, working at heights, lock-out and tag-out, machine safety, forklifts, vehicles and pedestrians, loading and unloading, road risks). An annual report on environmental and health and safety performance is verified by an independent third-party organization. It is published in chapter 4, page 2.2. Environmental protection 3.3.2 Saint-Gobain is committed to protecting the environment. This means meeting the expectations of stakeholders in this area and offering its customers the greatest possible added value with the lowest possible environmental impact. The Group has set itself two long-term targets: not have any environmental accidents and minimize the impact of its activities on the environment. These objectives are conveyed by means of short- and medium-term objectives that concern the five main environmental challenges identified by Saint-Gobain: resources; energy, atmospheric emissions and climate; water; biodiversity and the use of soil; environmental accidents and pollution. Energy and air emissions Saint-Gobain’s policy on “Energy, atmospheric emissions and climate change” aims to reduce its energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, whether through its industrial processes, infrastructure or logistics, on all sites. To coordinate measures to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions (scopes 1 and 2) energy and climate managers have been appointed for the most energy-intensive industrial processes. They are tasked with analyzing performance gaps relative to the best performers and with sharing good practices to be replicated across all sites. Each site must set the progress targets and monitoring procedures for managing energy and atmospheric emissions, taking into account comparisons on processes between the different sites. All of these actions are part of the CO 2 roadmap, established to track the Group’s commitment to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. Greenhouse gas emissions Direct CO 2 emissions of Saint-Gobain (scope 1) are mainly related to its industrial activities. These CO 2 emissions result from the combustion of fossil fuels and chemical reactions used in the manufacturing processes (e.g. the decarbonization of carbonates in the glass fusion processes). The Group’s indirect CO 2 emissions (scope 2) are essentially connected with its electricity purchases. The use of recycled raw materials in industrial processes makes it possible to reduce energy consumption, particularly for glass melting. In the case of flat glass, energy consumption is reduced by 3% when the percentage of cullet is increased from 20% to 30% of raw materials. This reduction in energy consumption is accompanied by a reduction in CO 2 emissions (scope 1). The actions taken for the transition to the circular economy therefore also have positive effects on greenhouse gas emissions.


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